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shǒu xià liú qíng
  1. 1 lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me
  2. 2 Do not judge me too harshly.
  3. 3 Look favorably on my humble efforts.
liú xià
  1. 1 to leave behind
  2. 2 to stay behind
  3. 3 to remain
  4. 4 to keep
  5. 5 not to let (sb) go
滞留锋 | 滯留鋒
zhì liú fēng
  1. 1 stationary front (meteorology)
爱留根纳 | 愛留根納
Ài liú gēn nà
  1. 1 Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher of Neoplatonism
留声机 | 留聲機
liú shēng jī
  1. 1 gramophone
  2. 2 phonograph
留坝县 | 留壩縣
Liú bà Xiàn
  1. 1 Liuba County in Hanzhong 漢中|汉中[Hàn zhōng], Shaanxi
剃发留辫 | 剃髮留辮
tì fà liú biàn
  1. 1 to shave the head but keep the queue
余留事务 | 餘留事務
yú liú shì wù
  1. 1 unfinished business
弥留之际 | 彌留之際
mí liú zhī jì
  1. 1 on one's deathbed
  2. 2 at the point of death
停薪留职 | 停薪留職
tíng xīn liú zhí
  1. 1 leave of absence without pay
留连论诗 | 留連論詩
liú lián lùn shī
  1. 1 to continue to discuss a poem over a long period
马可·奥勒留 | 馬可·奧勒留
Mǎ kě · Ào lēi liú
  1. 1 Marcus Aurelius (121-180), Roman Emperor
半保留复制 | 半保留複製
bàn bǎo liú fù zhì
  1. 1 semiconservative replication
留职停薪 | 留職停薪
liú zhí tíng xīn
  1. 1 leave of absence without pay (Tw)
毫无保留 | 毫無保留
háo wú bǎo liú
  1. 1 to hold nothing back
  2. 2 without reservation
留余地 | 留餘地
liú yú dì
  1. 1 to leave room to maneuver
  2. 2 to leave a margin for error
卫留成 | 衛留成
Wèi Liú chéng
  1. 1 Wei Liucheng (1946-), fifth governor of Hainan
保留区 | 保留區
bǎo liú qū
  1. 1 reservation (for an ethnic minority)
保留剧目 | 保留劇目
bǎo liú jù mù
  1. 1 repertory
  2. 2 stock (in theater)