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听其言而观其行 | 聽其言而觀其行
tīng qí yán ér guān qí xíng
  1. 1 hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions
金玉其表,败絮其中 | 金玉其表,敗絮其中
jīn yù qí biǎo , bài xù qí zhōng
  1. 1 gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
金玉其外,败絮其中 | 金玉其外,敗絮其中
jīn yù qí wài , bài xù qí zhōng
  1. 1 gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside (idiom)
听其言观其行 | 聽其言觀其行
tīng qí yán guān qí xíng
  1. 1 hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions
不在其位不谋其政 | 不在其位不謀其政
bù zài qí wèi bù mòu qí zhèng
  1. 1 don't meddle in affairs that are not part of your position (Confucius)
以其人之道,还治其人之身 | 以其人之道,還治其人之身
yǐ qí rén zhī dào , huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn
  1. 1 to use an opponent's own methods to obtain retribution (idiom, from Song dynasty neo-Confucianist Zhu Xi 朱熹); to get revenge by playing sb back at his own game
  2. 2 to give sb a taste of his own medicine
出其不意,攻其不备 | 出其不意,攻其不備
chū qí bù yì , gōng qí bù bèi
  1. 1 to catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sūn zǐ Bīng fǎ])
避其锐气,击其惰归 | 避其銳氣,擊其惰歸
bì qí ruì qì , jī qí duò guī
  1. 1 avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him when he is tired and withdraws (idiom)
yù shàn qí shì , bì xiān lì qí qì
  1. 1 To do a good job, an artisan needs the best tools (idiom). Good tools are prerequisite to the successful execution of a job
有其师,必有其徒 | 有其師,必有其徒
yǒu qí shī , bì yǒu qí tú
  1. 1 As the teacher, so the pupil. (idiom)
yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ
  1. 1 like father, like son (idiom)
取其精华,去其糟粕 | 取其精華,去其糟粕
qǔ qí jīng huá , qù qí zāo pò
  1. 1 take the cream, discard the dross (political and educational slogan)
  2. 2 keep what is good, discard the rest
  3. 3 You need to be selective when studying.
  4. 4 In modernizing the country, don't accept uncritically all foreign ideas.
马其顿 | 馬其頓
Mǎ qí dùn
  1. 1 Macedonia
乐见其成 | 樂見其成
lè jiàn qí chéng
  1. 1 to look favorably on sth
  2. 2 would be glad see it happen
亲临其境 | 親臨其境
qīn lín qí jìng
  1. 1 to travel to a place personally (idiom)
土耳其语 | 土耳其語
Tǔ ěr qí yǔ
  1. 1 Turkish (language)
布囊其口 | 佈囊其口
bù náng qí kǒu
  1. 1 lit. to cover sb's mouth with cloth
  2. 2 to gag
  3. 3 fig. to silence
自得其乐 | 自得其樂
zì dé qí lè
  1. 1 to find amusement in one's own way
  2. 2 to enjoy oneself quietly
郑重其事 | 鄭重其事
zhèng zhòng qí shì
  1. 1 serious about the matter
含糊其词 | 含糊其詞
hán hú qí cí
  1. 1 to equivocate
  2. 2 to talk evasively (idiom)