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细节 | 細節
xì jié
  1. 1 details
  2. 2 particulars
联系方式 | 聯繫方式
lián xì fāng shì
  1. 1 contact details
概而不论 | 概而不論
gài ér bù lùn
  1. 1 fuzzy about the details
写意 | 寫意
xiě yì
  1. 1 to suggest (rather than depict in detail)
  2. 2 freehand style of Chinese painting, characterized by bold strokes rather than accurate details
品头论足 | 品頭論足
pǐn tóu lùn zú
  1. 1 lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance
  2. 2 fig. to find fault in minor details
  3. 3 nitpicking
  4. 4 overcritical
察察为明 | 察察為明
chá chá wéi míng
  1. 1 keenly observant of trivial details
àn qíng
  1. 1 details of a case
  2. 2 case
明细 | 明細
míng xì
  1. 1 clear and detailed
  2. 2 definite
  3. 3 details (are as follows:)
只见树木不见森林 | 只見樹木不見森林
zhǐ jiàn shù mù bù jiàn sēn lín
  1. 1 unable to see the wood for the trees
  2. 2 fig. only able to see isolated details, and not the bigger picture
从略 | 從略
cóng lu:è
  1. 1 to omit (less important details etc)
评头论足 | 評頭論足
píng tóu lùn zú
  1. 1 lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance
  2. 2 fig. to find fault in minor details
  3. 3 to remark upon a person's appearance
  4. 4 nitpicking
  5. 5 overcritical
  6. 6 judgmental
jiāo dǐ
  1. 1 to fill sb in (on the details of sth)
  2. 2 to put all one's cards on the table
考证 | 考證
kǎo zhèng
  1. 1 to do textual research
  2. 2 to make textual criticism
  3. 3 to verify by means of research (esp. historical details)
  4. 4 to take an exam to get a certificate (abbr. for 考取證件|考取证件[kǎo qǔ zhèng jiàn])
duān dì
  1. 1 really
  2. 2 after all
  3. 3 details
  4. 4 particulars
备细 | 備細
bèi xì
  1. 1 details
  2. 2 particulars
有枝有叶 | 有枝有葉
yǒu zhī yǒu yè
  1. 1 to become bogged down in the details (idiom)
点染 | 點染
diǎn rǎn
  1. 1 to touch up (a piece of writing)
  2. 2 to add details (to a painting)
讨底 | 討底
tǎo dǐ
  1. 1 to enquire
  2. 2 to demand details
细微末节 | 細微末節
xì wēi mò jié
  1. 1 tiny insignificant details
  2. 2 niceties