Question about.....Google (关于谷歌的一个问题)

November 05, 2007, 01:19 AM posted in General Discussion

Am I right about this?  When you enter simplified Chinese characters into, it will only search for that character in its simplified form.  For example, if I write 头 will it only search for 头 or will it also produce results that include 頭? If I am right, I think this is a pretty serious flaw, we should quickly notify Google!

我是否说得对? 用谷歌搜索时,如果你用简体字输入, 谷歌只会搜索那个字的简体形式。比方说, 如果我输入"头"这个字, 搜索结果只会产生"头" 这个字还是会包括"頭"那个字?  如果我说得对呢, 我认为这是个满严重的缺点,应该赶快去通知谷歌吧!

我是否說得對?用谷歌搜索時,如果你用簡體字輸入,谷歌只會搜索那個字的簡體形式。比方說,如果我輸入"头"這個字,搜索結果只會產生"头"這個字還是會包括"頭"那個字? 如果我說得對呢,我認為這是個滿嚴重的缺點,應該趕快去通知谷歌吧!



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November 05, 2007, 01:21 AM

And, yes, I've gone crazy. 你蔡德对,我刚发疯了. 你蔡德對,我剛發瘋了.

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November 05, 2007, 01:24 AM

Pulo, I've booked a flight to San Fran to tell them myself. I won't return until it's corrected!

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November 05, 2007, 01:29 AM

I've really gone crazy, 你蔡德对????, really??? "You Tsai Virtue correct!," but in my defense, (1) I have lost it because I've been working all day, and (2) why did windows wordprocessing suggest "蔡" as the automatic first choice. 你蔡? Really??? Talk about a glitch. TaiPan, that's the spirit! It shouldn't be too hard because google translate has traditional->simplified (and vice versa) as one of the possible "translations," so they apparently have the necessarily tools to do it!

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November 05, 2007, 07:15 AM

I don't view it as an error but as a nice feature because the simplified search will yield documents written in traditional characters. I don't live too far from Google. Maybe I can go there and tell them about your concern. ;-)