Media 出租白人
October 27, 2010, 11:56 AM posted in Transcripts with TalWell I was out of my depth, but for what it's worth I've had a crack at the latest media lesson 出租白人 a very interesting lesson I can recommend for the exploration of this phenomenon. At least this transcript will hopefully be a starting point and with corrections welcomed and appreciated hopefully it will be useful in the end.
Media 出租白人
徐洲: 大家好,欢迎大家来到中文播客。今天有些一课媒体课程
Connie: 今天呢,我们要来看一个很令人诧异的现象
徐洲: 噢,诧异的现象
Connie: 嗯,叫做“出租白人”
徐洲: “出租白人”。。它不是出租车或者出租什么东西,是出租人?
Connie: 哦,出租人呢也可以的,呵呵
Dialogue Plays:
Dialogue ends。
徐洲: 听了之后我们知道“出租白人”啊它其实,啊,简单的来说。这个提供外国人一个活动的一个机会,然后提供吃喝啊,但是呢,这需要参加一下活动,对吧?
Connie: 嗯,是故意一些外国人来参加活动,你过来的这些外国人的这些活动的本身是没有什么关系的
Connie:嗯, 这样的是为了面子上面很好看
徐洲: 对啊,充场面啊
Connie: 嗯
Connie: 对,而且我觉得还比较普遍
2nd Dialogue plays:
2nd dialogue ends 3m 7s
Connie: 这是表演的意思
徐洲: 阿,这是纯粹就是一场演出
Connie: 嗯
Connie: 你这么做的目的是为了给【改】变看,表演【啊?】大家看
徐洲: 哦,那么这个“做秀”它其实还有带有一点点的那个欺骗的意思,对吧?
Connie: 对的,它是改变一次
Connie: “是游戏的小卒”
徐洲: 嗯
Connie: 这个“卒”的意思呢是兵,当兵的兵
Connie: 嗯,是的,那“小卒”的意思呢,就是小兵,哦即如说这个人物不太重要
4m 03 secs
徐洲:啊, 它的凡意思肯定是大将了
徐洲: 嗯,“小卒”,啊但是那“小卒”啊,确实能够在一些游戏当中挖。能够畅通无阻,对吧?
Connie: 嗯,“畅通无阻”
Connie:啊, 即如是没有障碍地通行
徐洲: 啊,这是畅通没有阻碍
Connie: 嗯,很顺利到路当中呢没有阻碍
Connie: 可以行驶的很快
4m 30s
徐洲: 嗯,我希望上海的交通啊,有一天能够畅通无阻
Connie: 嗯
徐洲: 呵呵
Connie: 那除了形容交通额外你可以形容事情近情得很顺利
徐洲: 啊,对,其实还有那个交流上面也可以,是这样的
Connie: 啊,对的
徐洲: 啊,比如说我们会同意终于言 ,所以说我们这件交流呢,这是“畅通无阻”的
Connie: 嗯,没错
徐洲: 对吧?好的,你看这是连外国人都这么说,所以说,啊,不得不这是让那个中国人都“感慨万千”
Connie: “感慨万千”
徐洲: 嗯
Connie: 那“感慨”的意思呢是当你接触到外界事物后产生的感想啊,想法,感触,等等
5m 5s
徐洲: 嗯,这里的“感慨”,它其实就是一个感想感触,对吧?
Connie: 嗯,没错
徐洲: 比较一个诚笃的一个俗语。“万千”这是。。。。非常。。?。。
Connie: 很多很多讲【/这样】的想法
徐洲: “啊,这是太漂亮了,这是太美了。。”
Connie: 嗯,那这里出租白人呢让你感慨万千??太不可思议了
徐洲: 对啊,太不可思议了
Connie: 太令人诧异了
徐洲: 呵呵,啊,是啊,哦但是他那个这段文字当中当中挖,他也提到了一个词我觉得有些形容也是比较到位的这说什么,那些充当傀儡的外国人
Connie: 哦,充当傀儡
徐洲: 呵呵
Connie: 听像也很严重
Connie: 嗯,是的。那“傀儡”的意思呢是,被人操纵的人
Connie: 嗯,他不能按照自己的想法去做而是呢被后面的人指示的被后面的人操纵的
徐洲: 哦,对,依据/一句语动啊,也一个词,一句话,都是被别人,阿,控制住,然后操纵着的
Connie: 嗯
Connie: 那,傀儡还经常用在,嗯,政治方面。比如说上以前经常有那种很小很小的皇帝。一般来说都是傀儡皇帝
Connie: 这是在有适应的这样的文化习俗
Connie: 嗯,但是呢,他们还缺少中国人都有的中庸之道
Connie: 嗯,见到“中庸”呢,我们就会想到儒家思想
徐洲: 对,孔子
Connie: 嗯,那同时呢,我觉得也是大多数中国人的一种想法
徐洲: 诶,是的。这是不能够太怎么样怎么样,这是一个极端。又不能走另外个极端
Connie: 嗯,这是做事什么应该不偏不倚不走极端
徐洲: 哦,这是走这个当中的条路吗?
Connie: 唉,也把握好这个度啊
Connie: 嗯,它是说你要保持一颗平常心
徐洲: 哦,这是做什么事都不要那么地出挑, 不要那么地高调,是吧?
Connie: 嗯
徐洲: 中庸之道啊。诶那么我们的听者?啊,可能知道这件事以后也是非常差也,但是可能会问“诶,为什么中国人要这么做呢?”
Connie: 那接下来的一段话就点出了其中的真真的原因
7m 32s
3rd dialogue plays:
很 显然,“出租白人”是一种不正常的社会现象,但值得反思的是这种本该在戏剧舞台上出现的事情会出现在现实社会中,而且是畅通无阻。那些活动的主办方难道 不知道这是欺骗?那些官员难道不知道这是不正常的?但在政绩的冲动与利益的诱惑面前,我们可以将良心隐藏,把谎言当实话。如果没有那么多的招商任务,又何 必非得找那么多外商前来?如果没有所谓的国际化情结,又何必在中国的土地上建那么多的欧洲小镇、北美别墅?
3rd dialogue ends 8m 20s
徐洲: 其实我在那个了解到这个事情,或者说这个现象之后我这个这是一个非常不真诚的一个实惠现象。其实我们知道它也是有一定根源的
Connie: 那在这段品文里面我们也可以看到她觉得是官员在政绩的冲动与利益的诱惑前面,将良心隐蔽,把谎话当作实话。
Connie: 嗯
8m 45s
徐洲: 嗯,诶那么这里谈到一个“政绩”是什么呢?
Connie: 哦,这是官员的业绩
Connie: 对,你官员在这一年当中他做了什么有什么样的成就
徐洲: 嗯,那么这个“政绩”其实跟多的实质在政府里面做事的人
Connie: 嗯,没错
9m 2s
徐洲: 诶,啊,好的,那么后面她还有一出,我们可以将良心隐藏。我觉得这个真的是不可出啊,呵呵
Connie: 呵呵,那这提到的“良心”呢,其实是人的一种基本道德观
Connie: 嗯,这是你对是非啊,善而的/德一个认识
徐洲: 诶,是的。我们今谈/今天会听到,诶你怎么这么说啊你真没良心?
徐洲:呵呵, 诶,是啊。我觉得小的时候我的爸爸妈妈也这样跟我说过啊,“啊给你shige?识个给你shige 然后也不听话,你不好好学习,你真没良心”
Connie: 没有
Connie: 因为我很听话
徐洲: 噢,那说明你还是很有良心的。好的,诶,那么,啊,他这里啊,其实不是说到把良心隐藏啊。他其实还有一个情结,是把?这是国际化情结
Connie: 嗯,是的。那“情结”的意思呢是生存在心底的感情
徐洲: 诶,那么究竟什么是“国际化情结”呢?
Connie: 这是太特别钟情于国际化,特别喜欢一些跟国际化有关的事物
up to 10m 5s
徐洲: 诶,这好像,啊,什么都是国外的比国内的好
Connie: 那我们平时可能也听到各种各样的情结,比如说公主情结啦,思乡情结啦,恋母情结啦,等等
徐洲: 这个它所有的感情会以那些东西为寄托,是把?对。。
Connie: 特别喜爱那?方面的东西
徐洲: 对某一类东西就喜欢的上万,非常的喜爱
Connie: 啊,对,没错
徐洲: 诶,那么我们ChinesePod的听众是不是多有中文情结?
Connie: 啊,也许吧,呵呵
徐洲: 诶,好的。我们说的那么多的情结,哦,但是在我们的品论当中挖,这是啊作者也提到了。如果没有所谓的这是我们刚才这样的“国际化情结”有何必做那些,这是没有以的事情。比如说想什么啊,做那么多欧洲shaozheng啊,北美别处之类的。她这里提到个一个“何必”
Connie: 嗯,这个“何必”呢,它一般是用反问的语气来表示不必。。。不必要这么做。啊,其实翻译起来有点像“为什么”的意思
徐洲: 啊啊,就是连?反问的意思
Connie: 嗯
徐州: 比如说Connie啊,我知道你是一个素食主义者,哦,但是何必有点那么多荤菜呢?
Connie: 是个很好的例子,呵呵
徐洲: 呵呵,我们说错吧?
Connie: 嗯
徐洲:好的, 诶,那么我们的话题呢,也回到我们出租白人上,啊,那么接下出还有一些频率让我们一起来听一下:
4th dialogue starts at 11m 20s
4th dialogue ends at 12m 12s
Connie: 她是由出租白人这个现象了影人到很热的一些其他方面的欺骗,比如说养生专家,医学专家等等
12m 28s
徐洲: 哦,也还有chenduanerzi还有很多的种专家出来
Connie: 嗯,她说自己那是养生方面的专家,但是呢出告诉观众一些很可笑的做法
徐洲: 诶,结果呢,都是被差数的还有多是以行骗为目的的,是吧?
Connie: 嗯,都是招摇撞骗的
12m 45s
Connie: 那你就是假借名义到处炫耀进行欺骗
Connie: 这个听上去很逗吧
Connie: 扯虎皮拉大旗
13m 02s
Connie: 它和“狐假虎威”那个意思是差不多的
Connie: 啊,也这是吹得很厉害,但是呢确实欺骗的
徐洲: 诶,这是你看到它??这是非常的厉害,非常的啊名头,啊非常多,但其实在根本这是一个行骗的人
Connie: 嗯,她完全就是在骗别人。这样的这假作扯虎皮拉大旗
13m 36s
Connie: 嗯,就她头顶着各种各样的光环
徐洲: 诶,是的是的。头顶着各种各样的光环
Connie: 她的头型很多
徐洲: 诶,头衔什么职位之臣之类的,或是噢也是什么获奖者获奖人之类的啊。那么我们作者还有也提到了这是有很多人什么假装专家,假装大师,是吧?谁中是吗?故作糊涂
Connie: 啊,也这是故意中很糊涂
14m 0s
徐洲: 但是啊,到头来怎么样欺骗的还是平头百姓,对吧?
Connie: 嗯,那“到头来的”意思这是到最后结果是怎么样的
徐洲: 嗯
Connie: 一般呢,是用在比较坏的方面
徐洲: 啊,比如说?
Connie: 比如说“努力了半天到头来却是一场空”
徐洲: 啊,比如说“我追了她好几年可是到头来。。。
Connie: 。。。她却长了别人的新娘
徐洲: 啊,到头来还是以失败收场。好的,诶,那么我们后面还有什么“平头百姓”。诶,这个生活也我觉得很可爱
Connie: 啊,听上去好像这些百姓呢,都是剃平头的
徐洲: 啊,是的,呵呵,头发很短,是吧?
Connie: 嗯,那“平头百姓”的意思呢,这是普通人,普通老百姓
徐洲: 哦,这是追随普通的老百姓,嗯
Connie: 经常人
徐洲: 好的。啊我们说啊,出租白人说小了,它是一个非常少的一个不合理的不真诚一个现象。其实说到了她还是一个什么?这是真个社会啊诚信缺失的一个缩影
Connie: 啊,一个“缩影”;缩小的缩;影子的影子
徐洲: 诶
15m 0s
Connie: 啊,也就是这么小的一个东西呢,它却可以代表同一类型的所有事物
徐洲: 唉,或者说啊特某一个概念它可以代表。啊真个一个实际的一个规划。
Connie: 可以反映出真个现象
徐洲: 诶“缩影”,那么,其实我觉得在我们今天?媒体文章最后这?句话,我觉得是点出了她的中心的意思。这是“出租的是白人的面孔,可丢掉的却是中国人的尊严”。 我觉得说的掀动有道理。那Connie你是不是同意这个观点?
15m 30s
Connie: 非常同意
徐洲: 啊
Connie: 我觉得作者把我想要说的都说了
Connie: 嗯,虽然看得时候哦觉得很可笑,但是呢,我觉得这是一个很沉重的话题
Connie: 嗯,有一些自卑心理
徐洲: 诶,是的是的。 好的,那么不知道我们的听众对这个现象有什么感想,或者说你有没有真实的参加过类似的活动呢?
Connie: 都欢迎到我们的论坛上面来告诉我们。最后我也希望大家能自信起来
徐洲: 哦,是的。那么我也希望类似的这个现象越来越少。好的,那么我们今天的课就道这里结束了
徐洲: 再见

October 27, 2010, 03:45 PMBaba 很棒! Haven't had time to look through in entirety yet. These are the two suggestions I have now:
00:04 今天又是一课媒体课程。
00:24 我之前在那个报纸啊杂志都看到过。那么接下来就让我们了解一下,到底什么是“出租白人”?

其实我觉得你真的是太棒了。你总是帮助纠正我们的听写。多谢 :)


I should add that the 之 in 我之前 is suspect (which is why I've put it in red). Sounds to me like that, but I've never seen ~之前 w/out the reference to before what.

thanks zhen. The 又是 seems really obvious now and such a simple mistake [I can now both hear it and of course that is what they'd say in that context]. I should have stopped to think about the alternatives but you know these transcripts are so time consuming you just wanna get on with it. I guess I'll have a few other simple one's that I should have gotten, but I think the majority were just beyond me [either too fast, couldn't quite catch it, or just unfamiliar with the vocab]. Some of the stuff in red is just a guess, and some I'm reasonably sure is correct but just think it's worth double checking. Of course, there may be mistakes in the stuff in black as well. The 课 before 媒体课程 is obviously acting as a measure word, but I left it in red just to double check because it almost seems a little redundant to have two 课's.

shunbian, in my experience, you rarely,if ever, do 弄错

之前 definitely sounds right to me and makes sense. Another one I should have got. I know the word and have seen it used but I don't know enough about grammar to understand your hesitancy about it's usage here.
the next one does sound like 啊 as you have [and much more so than the 而 I had...which I didn't think sounded quite right but I went with that guess as it made sense to me]...and I'm sure you're right again....I just don't know that I've seen it quite used like that before...particularly not in that flow...when there wasn't a pause for thinking...and I don't know why it would be used like that.
呵呵, my old friend 就 which I don't think I have a problem with in lower level lessons, but I always have trouble distinguishing it at speed. Jeepers you've got good ears.

Baba I don't have good ears but I too had that qualm about 一课, just couldn't think what else it could be.
About 之前, I think it's different from 以前 or 曾(经) in that you have to say before what (this 之 is kind of like 的). So I don't think it's like saying "Before, I would find time to run every day." I've only seen it like 你来这里之前,在哪儿工作? for instance (apologies if this isn't a really good sentence). So 我之前~ I'm not at all confident about.
Right there wasn't really a pause. But this 啊 I think is that 啊 tacked on after every item when you're listing things. And David's list just ended up being only two items long.
就 I think of as this little word that gets used all the time, ALL the time in Chinese.
Anyway, I welcome any corrections on my suggestions of course, as always.

oh, right, so you can use 啊 in that listing way also. I was really impressed as later in the lesson there was the use of 啦 for listing and I remembered it from a lesson several weeks/a few months ago and thought aha..there it is, hehe.

I did not know this! 啦 for listing.

Actually because I had this la fresh in mind from this transcript [ I think it's about the 10 minute mark..I can check later] and I recalled it from another lesson, I was getting confused as a and la sound similar and I was thinking for a tic that I just knew of the "la" listing. But come to think of it I've definitely heard "a" used in this way also. For starters, it was one of my favourite lines from the love tangle finale..." ni de ai a qing a"...classic.

October 28, 2010, 10:15 AMwow baba - 辛苦你了! I've never tried one of these lessons before but your efforts inspired me to have a go. Not as difficult as I imagined - I can get the overall meaning from listening, but picking out each individual word is no easy task. Anyway, for what it's worth, these are some of the 'things' I hear for your 'red bits' up to the third dialogue. No guarantees it's right though.
1:28 随着那个中国的改革开放(吧?), 就是
1:44 条件
2:05 每个人都有各自的评论。
3:26 给...给
3:35 贬义词
3:56 棋子,这叫“卒
4:00 就是说
4:09 这 => 只
4:37 进行
5:09 程度的一个词语
5:14 “啊,真是太漂亮了,真是太美了。。”
5:39 听上去
5:41 因为
5:44 贬义
5:49平时 ?
5:57 指使 ?
6:00 一举一动
6:32 风俗习惯
6:35 独有
6:38 提到
6:54 另外一个

hey thanks heaps mate. Don't know why you needed inspiration as your Chinese is clearly way ahead of mine, but if others see me have a go and realise it can't be that hard and get more involved at the higher levels then that's just great. I've just had a listen to your first suggestion and I think you're absolutely right. I can hear it now and also those words fit into the context perfectly. I'm still hearing it as a ma and not a ba at the end though.

哈哈 - 你太过奖了! I'm still hovering around the intermediate level. Just beginning to get into the UIs. The media seems a bit more interesting though, so that helps. I'd go with your 嘛 then. To be honest, I didn't want to hear a 吧 as that makes no sense. It's obviously one of those little 'words' I've just got used to ignoring in daily life.
I'm really curious what those '当中挖's are. Is there any reason you chose the character 挖?To me it sounds like 当中文 but I just can't get my head around what the speaker's meaning is.

"I'm really curious what those '当中挖's are" too, hehe. Previously I thought I had 当中 covered. I'd only heard 当中 before and then along comes this lesson and then all of a sudden there's something tacked on the end...what the? ...sounds like it starts with a "w" and sounds like it's part of the dangzhong structure. So typing in google pinyin dangzhongw brings up the only option as 当中挖 ...but yeah, hehe, it makes no sense to me and seems really random,hehe,....was a real guess....thus the highlighting in red...I didn't think it was right but it was the closest to what it sounded like. I guess the "w" syllable must be separate and you may be right about least that would be less random than wa. Though it's wrong, it would be nice to have a hypothesis for here goes....dangzhong means "in" as in "in the centre", "in the middle" [or among} as "wa" means "to dig" ...adding wa at the end of dangzhong means that they're really "digging" whatever is being referred to "in"

1m44 ..thanks for confirming 条件
2m 05...oh man. I kept thinking of that word 评论..I was sure there was such a word and that it meant commentary...but I kept typing it in as pinlun and it kept eluding me ...I was missing the "g" of the ping. Thanks for the rest of that sentence also. I thought it was meant to be 都 as that's what made sense in the context and what I expected after 每 but try as I could, it always sounded like duo to me....I guess I misheard it the first time and just couldn't get back on the right wavelength.

October 28, 2010, 10:43 AMExcellent job, Baba! No easy task indeed. It's a really awesome learning exercise though. Now, memorize all of 徐州's lines! ;) (although, I do think 背ing the occasional dialog/song is actually quite helpful. In this case though, it may just be a little too time consuming...)

thanks mate. You know I'm very tempted to take you up on the learning all of 徐洲's lines [but why stop there? know I'd have to go the whole hog and do Connies lines also ;)]. Back around the time of the 5th anniversary I learnt the whole of kexi bushi ni by heart so I could "sing" the whole song unnaccompanied [ in the car by myself of course, hehe, so as not to inflict it on anyone else, hehe] and I found that very satisfying. I can highly recommend that exercise. I was already in a bit of a change of tack anyway...previously trying to listen to every lesson and not really studying any of them....but now I'm thinking of studying just a select few and finishing them off for a change. Already I've done the expansion and exercises in this one which is the first time I've done that in quite a while. I think the expansion and exercises are really useful and this media one was no harder than I remember UI being. I just need to skritter it, and then tidy up this transcript. Thanks for your encouragement mate. Much appreciated.

October 27, 2010, 12:09 PMIf you would prefer to view this in google docs, here is the url: