February 21, 2011, 06:43 PM posted in General Discussion今天的问题都是MP三的问题
1)Do you have an MP3 Player
2) What is the most popular chinese made MP3 Player?
3) In the dialog 播客 means podcast but I understood it to mean blog.
4) Is an MP三 always a device or could it be software on a computer?
最后的问题是一个语法的问题, 我需要用英语啊
5) This is a question about negating in the Past, Present and future. My current understanding is:-
Present and future: Things are negated using 不 unless preceiding a 有 in which case I would use 没。
Past:Things are negated using 没 so to say it did not rain in the moring I would say 今天早上没下雨了。
Is this correct or have I over simplified?
有一个中国国产品牌的mp3叫 “纽曼niu3man4”。你可以看一下这个link (链接:
February 21, 2011, 09:05 PMOkay so here we go with what I understood of the answers :-)
Translate = 翻译 fānyì
1) you used to have an MP3 Player but it broke and now you don't have one.
2) There are many popular chinese made mp3 players so many its not easy to quickly think of one. If you think of one you'll type it in here later....
3) This is about tones Podcast = 播客 bōkè where as blog is 博客 bókè
4) MP三 refers in general to a hand held gadget like an iPod but it can also mean the format MP三格式
5)Basically I am oversimplifying, you can use 不 in the past when its following something that puts the sentence in the past
i.e. 昨天不想吃早饭
Its not therefore as simple as I was making it out to be.
Is it me or when I had done with my questions and started to talk about watching china wow on television did my chinese flow a little better? That was entirely spontaneous rather than thought through so could be aweful but it felt more like having a conversation :-)
I'm pretty sure my tones are not good I was wondering about finding a short passage from one of my books to read to you next week to try to do some pronunciation without worrying about grammar, 好主意 对不对?