June 20, 2011, 06:22 PM posted in General Discussionhello all,
Well I am at a humbled point in my chinese studies.
I started self teaching myself last Sept.,listening to newbie lessons and than writing them in simplified chinese.
I have made a very close chinese friend in March that speaks very little english and is a huge help. Anways he told me that if I don't study pinyin too I will not understand chinese.
It has added more to my study but I am starting to see that he is correct, as I have slowed down my speech and put more emphasis on proper tones and pronouncing.
Percevere all!
June 21, 2011, 08:00 AMCody
You are fortunate to have native speakers to talk to. When they say something to you that is new, try and write the pinyin with tones. I suggest that you always keep a notebook with you for this purpose. Your friends can correct you on the spot. Instant feedback! And you have a record in your notebook that you can use to review. I have been doing this for nearly five years - a few well worn Moleskine notebooks. But I still refer back from time to time to check things. It's a also a (rather scribbly) history of my learning.