Dictionaries on HTC market
December 08, 2011, 01:45 AM posted in General DiscussionI now have a Chinese HTC phone that only goes to the HTC market (won't go to Android market.) The dictionary options are very poor. Makes me wonder how Chinese peope put up with such limited dictionaries. Does anyone have experience of the HTC market and can they point me to a reasonable Chinese-English dictionary? I have the English Chinese Simplified Dictionary. Free Dictionary. Nciku Online. It seems I can't get Pleco.
Hi Chris
I searched for Hang Ping in pinyin and it doesn't come up - which characters are they? Maybe it is from Android, not HTC.
Actually I can't get to Android market - have checked with Android and they confirm that Chinese phones can't access the market.
I seem to remember you are in China, right, but you may not have the Chinese HTC? The European market ones are sold there as well.
oops sorry mate, it is actually Hanping, not Hangping. Not sure what the characters are! I would guess 汉平 (I checked the "about" button on the App but it only had english descriptions). You're right, I am based in SH. I bought my HTC in Hong Kong recently. Not sure whether that makes it a Chinese one or European one - but I do know that I can get onto the Android market, although the Paid For apps are not available in China.
I know this might not help you much, but this is the link to the Android market website so you can at least see what i'm talking about:-
Thanks for the link Chris - no I can't go there on the phone (according to my wife who had the phone before me.) Have to look into this when I have a bit more time.
I would think that they sell the European version in Hong Kong - perhaps both versions as they do on the mainland. We bought the Chinese one because we didn't like the look of the guys selling the black-market European ones - they looked like their after sales service might be 很差. Also, we wanted 'more Chinese' apps, not realising that we couldn't get the stuff in English as well.
January 30, 2012, 12:32 AMI thought I should update the HTC (China) situation - in fact I have been able to get Pleco, including the handwriting add-on. It is not available in the HTC market but you can go to the Pleco web-site and download it direct to your phone. Sorry if I misled any poddies there.
The Pleco software has just been updated and the handwriting function is free for a limited time - but you will be able to use it indefinitely if you take advantage of the current offer. (I have only downloaded the free version at this stage.)
December 08, 2011, 08:06 AMHi bodawei. I use HTC phone aswell. My dictionary is Hang Ping which I am very happy with. But not sure if from Android mkt. I think you should still be able to access Android mkt via internet if It's not available on htc.