Join the ChinesePod Shanghai Meetup!

April 10, 2012, 07:06 AM posted in General Discussion

I'm very excited to announce the ChinesePod Meetup on Saturday, 21 April in Shanghai! 

Join and share your learning stories; meet the ChinesePod crew including John and myself and if you have any questions about learning Chinese or using the site, we are there to help.

And bring a friend struggling with Chinese, let us and the wonderful community help out!

Please find details in this blog post.

Seats are limited. Please rsvp by emailing or calling 400-012-3381 (China toll free). 

Look forward to seeing you!

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April 10, 2012, 10:26 AM

sounds cool

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April 10, 2012, 03:19 PM

Looks good guys.  I will be there, although probably not until later in the afternoon around 330-4ish.  Chris.

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Hi Chris,

Look forward to seeing you and we encourage you to bring friends struggling with Chinese!

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January 16, 2013, 08:06 AM

Time to start planning this year's Shanghai Cpod meet up?!

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plus 1, as long as it's in March or some month after that.

Last year's was really cool, and it was nice chatting with Jenny, John and also Connie!!

hahah, I actually got to sit next to Connie when Jenny and John were in the center of the crowded meet-up leading the discussion on Chinese related topics.