list of all chinesepod lessons

August 05, 2012, 02:21 AM posted in General Discussion

I have been looking for chinesepod lessons list and couldn't find one with the lesson numbers and names. Is there any chance I could get it?

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August 05, 2012, 02:35 AM

If you navigate to home->library->channel, I believe you will find what you are looking for, but organized by lesson level.

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August 05, 2012, 03:00 AM

Thanx for the comment,Mark!Think gonna use that.

But I really were looking for thomething else,for ex:

Newbie :

A0011 I'm upset


...and so on


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A typical entry on the leaf pages is (id, title, topic area):

0318 孔子标准像 文化,

You would have to infer this is F0318 from context, and scroll through two hundred something leaf pages to get the entire list, but what you are seeking is there.

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Thanks for the clue!found something here

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I also had this goal, and asked the community a couple of months back, and the response back then was "No, the master list does not exist". Looks like we have to make do with the way the website is organized, and not "on our terms". Still hoping somebody will wake up and at least add some more fields to the lesson list, like user rating and lesson ID...

As an aside -- i was able to make my own master list by adding every single lesson to my RSS feed, downloading them into iTunes, and then exporting the playlist. It opens pretty well in XLS, the whole process for Elementary took about half-an-hour I think... But still no user rating:(

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I'd be interested to know how many people use the user rating. I find a better reflection to be the number of comments, although this doesn't necessarily relate to the quality of the listen itself!

Separately, being a bit of a sad accountant, I do have a spreadsheet tracker of every lesson across the ele, inter and UI lessons which i add to each time a lesson comes out, but it uses my somewhat unconventional numbering system of 1,2,3,4, etc for each level rather than the combination of letters and numbers that Cpod users, e.g. I will have a Ele 97, an Inter 97 and a UI 97 whereas on Cpod i believe I'm right in saying that each numerical number is unique across the levels. I also have additional columns, indicating for example whether I've done the transcript of the lesson yet, whether i've studied it yet, what stage of completion my study is, etc

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"I'd be interested to know how many people use the user rating"

yes, well there's two sides to this using. One side is how many people are, like root, interested in being guided by it...using the rating system to find the best lessons I guess. Personally I have no interest in the user rating, but it's good to have it for those who find such things useful. But if one is going to be guided by it, perhaps what is more important is knowing how many folks have actually used it to make a rating. I vote of 5 from one person may not mean much, whereas 4.7 average from a high number starts to mean something, though exactly what I'm not sure [thus one reason I wouldn't personally bother with it...what is it rating exactly? ]

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>> I also have additional columns, indicating for example whether I've done the transcript of the lesson yet, whether i've studied it yet, what stage of completion my study is, etc

Oh man, this is so awesome !! I really wish this sort of a thing was built-in! I've heard JP is a fan of setting goals, but I really don't see this idea being implemented on the website -- I say this as I stare at the "Progress(beta)" tab. This function was introduced a couple of years back and quickly forgotten -- no updates, and by now it just feels so woefully outdated.

As far as user rating -- this is the only thing I could think of to help me choose 120 lessons out of more than 400 intermediates. Of course if they make other fields available, user rating count, comment count, or even have an internal formula for "lesson hotness", I would welcome it all the more. Right now I am just mindlessly (dumbly?, stupidly?) doing lessons sequentially, but there must be a better way...

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don't worry mate, I too have historically just done the lessons sequentially unless it really is a topic that doesn't interest me which occasionally happens in UI. But in the Ele and Inter levels, I do all of the lessons no matter what. Got a bit of a backlog at the moment due to work commitments, but am trying to use this weekend to catch up a bit.

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Heh, thanks for the encouragement! Doing lessons in order is easy to organize, but it does create a sense of being overwhelmed --408 lessons and just one me. That's like 14 months at one lesson per day, and who knows how much effort organizing review materials. For now I keep chugging along, looks like others have gone down the same road and lived, good to hear...