Change of life
January 13, 2008, 04:41 PM posted in General Discussionstevedunn
January 16, 2008, 04:32 AMWow i never expected such great response, you guys here on this site have all been very helpful. being able to take the lessons with me helps. " i don't have the excuse that i can't study, no matter where i am" you all have inspired me to redouble my efforts. and get ready for my trip to china this year. i want to go in June so i have got to really get into my lessons.

January 13, 2008, 06:17 PMThis one is pretty funny !

January 13, 2008, 06:28 PMYou may have us confused with Dpod (dating pod).com
January 14, 2008, 12:39 AMRJBerki, Why else would a man join cpod??? ;) stevedunn, From allegedly the only man on here NOT attracted to Chinese women, Welcome! bbjt, Any chance you could translate those videos for us elementaries? They look fun. TaiPan
January 14, 2008, 12:58 AMThanks for all the comments, I down loaded some lessons to my phone and have been talking them with me everywhere.

January 14, 2008, 01:47 AMyou got me there TP. after all, "chicks dig guys who speak Chinese" :-)

January 14, 2008, 02:42 AMTaipan also told me he's the only man on the site not attracted to Asian can you want to lean Chinese but not be attracted to Chinese women? Is that even possible?! stevedunn: Don't forget to work through all aspects of the lesson, (I'm assuming you're a paid member here) use The Fix, download the transcrips, and use all the resources at your disposal in the Expansion and Exercises and you will DEFINATELY see results, if not and you only listen to the podcasts, then your progress will be much, much slower. Remember to think of language as a series of MEANINGS and not a series of words. The sooner you attatch MEANING to each word, the sooner and quicker you can progress.

January 13, 2008, 06:14 PMHi Steve, The chinese name of the hypnosis is 催眠 I'm not myself really interested by the subject but have a short extract of a funny HK movie placed on Youtube under this name. Guess what ? In my list of video, it's almost one of the most viewed video in china. 催眠 seems to be a subject of interest for many chinese people. : )

January 14, 2008, 04:03 PMI worked once upon a time in Russia, where I was once invited to the flat of an Englishman who was going to marry a Russian girl. She was there too and it turned out that neither of them could speak each others language. At one point she asked him if she should make him a cup of tea, and I had to translate that for them! (I should add that I spoke Russian at the time). Well, to cut a long story short (as my father used to say), they did get married and last heard of were living in the UK.

January 14, 2008, 05:29 PMTaiPan, Let's make some quick translation : 支持 support 催眠 hypnosis A: Boss give me some support A: Come now B: (smack) A: What did you do ? A: I was expecting some hypnosis B: ... hypnosis really ? A: Yes B: Look at mes eyes B: You really can't lose, you really can't B: (Clap)

January 14, 2008, 06:28 PMThere's a film on tonight called Tai-Pan, I wonder if it's worth watching.
January 14, 2008, 07:32 PMBazza, I suggest reading the book instead. It's much better. The film cuts about half of the book out. TaiPan is the 'sequel' to Shogun by James Clavelle. I liked it better than Shogun actually- just personal preference. It may have been nominated for a Rasberry award as worst pic of the year that year. To put it into perspective, the movie 'TaiPan' is a way worse expression of the book 'Taipan' than the movie 'Dune' was a representation of the book 'Dune'. Xiaohu, if you get a chance to see 'TaiPan' if you haven't already, you may never use the words 'good acting' and 'Joan Chen' in the same sentence again! bbjt, Thanks for the 411!!! Stevedunn, I'm going to request an elementary lesson on hypnotism. They'll probably do it! Since watching Little Britain, I've always wanted to say "Lookintomyeyes-myeyes-Notaroundmyeyes, theeyes-lookintomyeyes..." in Mandarin Chinese. Take xiaohu's advice if you want to accelerate the process. Lorrayne-style memory tricks work well here too. TaiPan

January 14, 2008, 08:55 PMstevedunn: My friend (former student) married a girl from Beijing, and their communication was (at best) very lacking. He was never commited to improving his Chinese and felt if he can say 20 or 30 phrases that it's enough...and let me tell you it's NOT! Of course due to lack of ability to effectively communicate, after a couple years they are getting a divorce. Actually I'm not trying to deter you, only to applaud that you realize how important good communication is in a relationship and that you are taking steps to communicate in another language and aren't playing into the arrogant American attitude that "All people speak English, and if they can't then the should!" I also applaud you for broadening your cultural horizons and realizing there is more out there in the world than just the little bubble that we live in. Remember the for slogan for the the new era we live in is "globalization"! If you ever need any help with your Chinese, you can always e-mail me through my profile. I'm always glad to help!
January 15, 2008, 06:56 AMThis reminds me of a scene in a coffee shop back home where a couple were using a translator to communicate with each other. "Got work out of town, so will be away for a couple weeks. And I bought your son a computer..." And of another couple who told me they never fought before they learned a language in common....
January 14, 2008, 03:37 PMIt boggles my mind how anybody could marry someone they can't talk to. Then again, I imagine that such a marriage would last YEARS longer than others, though I'd love to be there when certain things came to light. "What do you mean you're allergic to cats? Why didn't you tell me?!" "I did tell you! You just didn't understand me! Besides, I thought you would have noticed that I've been sneezing non-stop for the past six years!" Hehe.
January 13, 2008, 04:47 PMI see you're a hypnotist, you that may come in useful. ;)