Want to improve cursive reading skills? Try this

December 19, 2013, 01:11 PM posted in General Discussion

I've been looking for ways to read cursive better and looked on the internet for solutions for the past year, but never came across this, which I "discovered" on my own. I'm sure someone else has done this before, I just wish that person told me when I first had this problem, would have saved me time and effort. Anyways, I hope this helps someone else. It's free, so not pushing a product. Also customizable. 

Here it is. Paste the same text and format with different cursive fonts. If you don't have them, find them and install them. Here is a sample I made using my Mac, OS X Mountain Lion. Hope this saves someone else the trouble I went through.


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December 19, 2013, 12:07 PM

Oh, and check out the 国 in the second font.

What... the... hell...

Crazy. I just throw up my arms in befuddlement.