Art Museum Videos - Dialog from NPCR textbook
March 27, 2008, 01:00 PM posted in General DiscussionToday's Art Museum Lesson reminded me that in the "New Practical Chinese Reader" there is a lesson on art. This is in the second book, the 19th chapter of the whole series, so a little harder than the CPod lesson today. This is 林娜 (línnà the girl) and 丁力波 (dīnglìbō the boy) going to the 美术馆 (měishùguǎn art museum) to look at 中国画 (zhōngguóhuà, not to be confused with 中国话 which is pronounced the same... context context context).

March 27, 2008, 01:03 PMTwo different videos above, chatper 19-dialog 1 (outside the gallery), chapter 19-dialog-2 (inside the gallery)

March 27, 2008, 01:15 PMVocab: (characters that are traditional in brackets) Lesson 19-1(Video 1) 中国画 [-國畫] (zhōngguóhuà): traditional Chinese painting 画儿 [畫兒] (huàr): painting 油画 [-畫] (yóuhuà): oil painting 油 (yóu): oil 美术馆 [-術館] (měishùguǎn): art gallery 开门 [開門] (kāimén): to open the door; to begin a day's business 画 [畫] (huà): to paint 画家 [畫-] (huàjiā): painter; artist 不敢当 [--當] (bù gǎndāng): I really don't deserve this 京剧 [-劇] (jīngjù): Beijing opera 幅 (fú): (measure word for paintings, cloth, etc.) 徐悲鸿 [--鴻] (Xú Bēihóng): (name of a well-known Chinese painter) Lesson 19-2(Video 2) 电梯 [電-] (diàntī): elevator 开玩笑 [開--] (kāiwánxiào): to crack a joke; to make fun of 材料 (cáiliào): material 纸 [紙] (zhǐ): paper 布 (bù): cloth 墨 (mò): Chinese ink 油彩 (yóucǎi): greasepaint 空白 (kòngbái): blank space 匹 (pǐ): (measure word for horses) 想像 (xiǎngxiàng): to imagine 风 [風] (fēng): wind 虾 [蝦] (xiā): shrimp 齐白石 [薺--] (Qí Báishí): (name of well-known Chinese Painter)

March 27, 2008, 01:17 PMMore of these videos can be found at (but only works with Internet Explorer since they didn't use the correct "embed" tag within the "object" tag)

March 28, 2008, 07:23 AMHere's an interesting video of 中国画 coming to life:
March 27, 2008, 01:01 PM