Follow the Torch Through China
May 02, 2008, 03:04 AM posted in General DiscussionThis is pretty cool. This is from the BBC. Follow the torch's journey through China. By clicking on a city, you'll be sent to an article with more info. about it. Very informative, especially if you're not familiar with most of these cities (like me).
May 02, 2008, 03:18 AMToday, HongKong is the first city to do the torch relay in China! 加油!!!!
May 02, 2008, 03:18 AMCassie, I was surprised that Fujian wasn't on this map. Happy you get to see it. I also have to say that I'm bummed that the torch isn't making a stop in Taiwan. I think that would have been a good thing.
May 02, 2008, 03:42 AMBrent, 厦门xiamen is belong to Fujian Province. 厦门is a very beautiful city, you should come and visit if you have a chance.
May 02, 2008, 03:47 AMLOL...see how little I know about China's geography! Thanks for the invitation Cassie, I'll see you next time I'm in Fujian Province :)
May 02, 2008, 03:58 AMLOL 鼓浪屿gu3lang4yu3 is the city attraction in 厦门. I am planning to go to visit it too!
May 02, 2008, 06:12 AMWow, quite a journey. We have a supplier in 厦门 at work. :)
May 02, 2008, 09:51 AMYeah, the street were crazy here(HK) today. It just took a ride on the Star Ferry about an hour ago!
May 02, 2008, 03:10 AM五月十一日,奥运火炬来福建。Lucky, it will come to my location, I will go to see it soon!^_^
May 03, 2008, 02:37 AMcalkins, 谢谢,特别有意思!
May 03, 2008, 09:32 AMHere is the link for Olympic Torch relay in Hongkong. There are many pictures and you can tell HongKong people's passion for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games from them.
May 03, 2008, 09:36 AM刘德华是香港演艺圈的杰出代表。
May 03, 2008, 09:39 AM香港特首曾荫权和第一棒火炬手李丽珊。
May 03, 2008, 09:42 AM圣火性感征途 ;o)
panda2 / Panda Beer
May 03, 2008, 11:12 AMCassie XIAMEN is a great place but we should keep it a secret, do not want to share it with too many people !!
May 03, 2008, 12:38 PMJust noticed that picture at the top right is almost the same as a shot I took. I have it as the wallpaper on my pc at work. :)
May 08, 2008, 04:50 AMPretty amazing. The Olympic flame reached the highest summit in the world today, atop Mt. Everest. A special high-altitude torch had to be used, and it was the first time an Olympic torch was carried up Everest. The first and last of the torch bearers were Tibetan women. Skip to the end to see the final climb to the summit.
May 02, 2008, 11:51 PMHong Kong welcomed the Olympic torch yesterday with masses of people waving Chinese flags, singing, dancing, even a marathon. Most poignant for me was actually what was happening in the confines of my apartment complex. All the guards, doormen, etc. were asked by the building's management to wear red patches that said "中国加油“. I asked one of my doormen about it. He was actually the night doorman, so he had slept through the torch activities of the day as he only works at night. His English is limited and my Cantonese is worse, but he told me that the badge said "Go China" but really had a deeper meaning. Former governor Tung Chee-hua was calling for acts of patriotism in Hong Kong as opposed to acts of protest during the Olympics. I'm not sure if this was our building's response or something much broader. Maybe Sebastian, who also lives in Hong Kong, might give his input. Anyway, Tim, my doorman, told me that the deeper meaning is that for China to "go up" as he called it requires the hard work of everyone in China. He said the deeper meaning was "don't be lazy, work hard, make China go up". The nationalist spirit is even being felt in Hong Kong where the equestrian events are to take place this summer. A word of advice for those coming to watch the Olympics here in HK. August is usually our rainy season and it is really hot and humid here. Bring an umbrella and lots of changes of underwear! Ha!
May 02, 2008, 03:08 AMLooks like the links aren't working. I'll try one more time. If it doesn't work on this one, go to this Map.