Woking down ChinesePod History!
June 07, 2008, 04:39 PM posted in General DiscussionAs a newcomer to CPod, I am slowly discovering various sites on the web about CPod or about people that used to be at CPod. The latest of course was fostered by the latest "Dear Amber." So I though it would be cool if at CPod, there was a lsit of web addresses that we could track these down as well as preserve these of other's usage. So I will add a couple that may be of interest:
"The Saturday Show!"
and of course Shanghai Diaries (Which I stole from Henning)
the Chinese Pod Furum:
June 07, 2008, 05:21 PMI've actually been working on my new blog page for the last 18+ hours. It's a long way from completion at this stage but I will definitely be having a Learning Chinese Diaries section to it. It's fully hosted and I will be having video, text, and audio blogs happening in the end. I want to be mainly doing video blogging rather than just text blogging with links to off-site videos.. I've got 10 Terabytes (that's 10,000 gigabytes) of bandwidth and 1 Terabyte of storage to play with.. so hopefully it will be great!
June 07, 2008, 05:51 PMSome others...
http://wiki.chinesepod.com (still there)
http://babelpod.com (now redirects to chinesepod.com)
http://www.youtube.com/user/tayhler (Video Hotpot)
http://www.youtube.com/user/chinesepod (some of Aric's work)
http://www.youtube.com/user/asqueen (other CPod stuff from Aric here)
Probably more I've forgotten about.
June 09, 2008, 06:37 AMIs there an EnglishPOD ? I thought that was the original concept and then when that wasn't as successful as hoped, they went on to ChinesePOD. I went to www.englishpod.com and the format and graphics seem familiar but I can't find any reference to Ken or other Praxis stuff..
The weird thing is the entire PODcast is in English.. I was hoping to find some lessons similar to ones here in reverse and see how pairing them together works.
June 09, 2008, 08:06 AM
try to immagine... take the look of English POD, replace the blue tones with some reddish one, and you'll get a true image (something like a real living fossil to my nowadays eyes!) of the old ChinesePOD... atually the old format of yhe two sites was quite exactly the same.
I always guessed it should have been some strong connection between the two sites, at least in the beginnig, or up to the birth of the newest version of CP. In the past I’ve heard some of the lessons on EnglishPOD, but, in my opinion, there was a totally different style, nothing compare to the unexceptionable quality of all the CP lesson, even in the old version of CP. On EnglishPOD, it seems to me, the whole attention has devoted to a so-called “business English”, that is a very particular sector of a language, for sure useful for a lot of a people, but , unfortunately, I was’nt primarily intersted in it.
BTW, I’m really wondering why do the Praxis Language doesn’t seem to be keen on covering this sector of the market (perhaps too much competitors on the internet? See for instance the tons of good learning material on the BBC site). At any rate, I’ve always thought I would appreciate a lot a real new EnglishPOD (it doesn’t matter at all if the name should be different) performed with the style, the multi-cultural attitude, or ,simply, cultural attitude of Praxis Language. And, I’m sure, I would not be the only one.
June 09, 2008, 01:31 PMEnglishPod, was indeed done by Ken Carroll and co.
There was also the Japanese version of ChinesePod (i.e. ChinesePod for the Japanese market) which was discontinued a while back.
June 09, 2008, 02:13 PMFor those of you with an interest in web archaeology...
June 07, 2008, 05:10 PMSinosplice is John's blog. It is actually still alive and kicking (and always worth a visit).
You might want to also add the various other blogs by Praxis team members (or former team members):
http://praxislanguage.com/news/ (now Praxis News outlet, used to be Ken's blog - unforgettable discussions on Eductation, Chinese, and Technology)
http://biesnecker.com/life/ (JohnB)
http://thenetworksense.com/ (Hank Harkoff)
http://jpvillanueva.com/ (JP, SPod)
http://adsotrans.com/blog/ (David aka travelyan aka "David the Canadian")
And do not forget:
http://blogs.chinesepod.com/newbie/ (Frank's Newbie CPod-Blog)
http://blogs.chinesepod.com/de/ (Joachim's and formerly also Anne's German CPod-Blog)
[there have been more CPod Blogs in other languages...]
The Saturday Show has actually been a predecessor of Dear Amber (hosted by Aric and Jenny) with some additional fluff.
By the way: The link to the diaries here in the Conversation section came from excuter as well as Sire Aric himself, not from me.
The forum, sigh...