Modern Toilet Restaurant
August 30, 2008, 10:30 AM posted in General DiscussionA toilet themed restaurant in Taiwan.

September 30, 2008, 12:33 AMI had heard about this restaurant before I went to Taiwan in 2006 and so had taken down the address from the internet as I thought it would be funny to check out.But when I got there to the address which was on the other side of town to the usual touristy area it was no longer there.I thought it must have closed as no-one wanted to eat out of toilets.Disappointing.However I recently saw it again on an Aussie show called Kenny's world [featuring Shane Jacobson who played Kenny in the movie of the same name],so it must have moved.I'll have to find the new address if ever I make it back to Taiwan.

November 04, 2008, 12:56 AMBazza, bababardwan, take heart. It was still there a couple of weeks ago. Since thread is a bit bare, I'll take up some space with pictures.
First, you're greeted with this attractive storefront.
My nieces/grandnieces/dinner companions, replete with obligatory 胜利手势/Peace Signs.
The attractively styled urinal cup
Seating and decor: Obviously the seats are toilets, but also note the bathtubs attractively arrayed under the glass table tops.
What I'm told the washbasin for the woman's restroom looks like. (Never made it to the men's restroom.)
And,of course there is a souvenir shop so, even if you don't eat, you can say that, "I went to the Toilet Restaurant, and all I got was this lousy coffee cup." (I don't recommend using it for tea or lager.)

November 04, 2008, 12:56 AMBazza, bababardwan, take heart. It was still there a couple of weeks ago. Since thread is a bit bare, I'll take up some space with pictures.
First, you're greeted with this attractive storefront.
Nieces/grandnieces group photo, replete with obligatory 胜利手势/Peace Signs.
The attractively styled urinal cup
Seating and decor: Obviously the seats are toilets, but also note the bathtubs attractively arrayed under the glass table tops.
What I'm told the washbasin for the woman's restroom looks like. (Never made it to the men's restroom.)
And of course there is a souvenir shop so, even if you don't partake, you can say that, "I went to the Toilet Restaurant, and all I got was this lousy coffee cup." (I don't recommend using it for tea or lager.)

November 04, 2008, 01:35 AM我不敢在这家马桶餐厅吃咖喱饭。

November 04, 2008, 02:26 AMHi tvan,
Here are some texts from the official website. I guess that the “MARTON主题美馆” in the text should be “马桶主题美馆”, and they later changed the name. Haha, they opened the restaurant inspired by a well-known Japanese Manga “机器娃娃”. Just hilarious, 不愧是台湾人,哈日族很多呀!
Japanese Manga/Anime “怪博士和机器娃娃”
September 29, 2008, 09:02 PMWell I thought it was unusual.