Taiwanese Pop Singer 陈绮贞

September 20, 2008, 09:15 AM posted in General Discussion



長亭外 古道邊 芳草碧連天
晚風拂柳笛聲殘 夕陽山外山
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落
一觚濁酒盡餘歡 今宵別夢寒

美麗的 燕子啊 哭泣泥娃娃
蜻蜓飛過夾竹桃 神仙不見了
小斑馬 薔薇花 牧羊的原野
群鳥翱翔的天際 歲月靜流逝

韶光逝 留無計 今日卻分袂
驪歌一曲送別離 相顧卻依依
聚雖好 別雖悲 世事堪玩味
來日後會相予期 去去莫遲疑


Do you know this music?

Where has this music come from?

The reason I have started learning Chinese comes from my first listening to her music 九份的咖啡店.

I have firstly heard her clear voice in Suzhou.

My favorite singer.

Now I can understand this music a little after 2 years learning Chinese from this ChinesePod.



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April 17, 2009, 02:41 PM

Hi Ken!

The name of the song is 長亭外 (chang2 ting2 wai4; Outside the Long Pavilliion) by 古璇(gu3 xuan2).


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April 18, 2009, 05:18 AM


 I have a different opinion about this song.Tha song's name is 送别(song4 bie2) by 李叔同.He created this song before he become a monk.