phonetic map : 包 bāo
October 04, 2008, 06:11 PM posted in General Discussionbao | ||
胞 bāo womb; placenta 细胞 xìbāo cell |
饱 bǎo full; plump; satiated 吃饱 chībǎo to eat one's fill |
* 炮 bāo to quick-fry 炮肉 bāoròu roasted meat |
包 bāo to wrap; surround /bag 包围 bāowéi to surround 钱包 qiánbāo purse; wallet |
抱 bào to hold/carry in arms; adopt 拥抱 yōngbào to embrace 抱养 bàoyǎng to adopt (a child) |
苞 bāo bud; luxuriant 苞木 bāomù bamboo |
雹 báo hail 冰雹 bīngbáo hail(stone) |
鲍 bào abalone 鲍鱼 bàoyú abalone |
孢 bāo spore 孢子 bāozǐ spore |
刨 bào to plane (sth. down) 刨花 bàohuā wood shavings |
pao | ||
* 跑 pǎo to run 跑步 pǎobù to jog |
* 炮 páo to roast in a pan 炮姜 páojiāng baked ginger 炮制 páozhì to concoct; cook up |
* 炮 pào cannon; firecracker 炮兵 pàobīng artillery 鞭炮 biānpào firecrackers |
* 泡 pāo sth. puffy and soft 尿泡 niàopāo urine/ to urinate 眼泡 yǎnpāo upper eyelid |
* 跑 páo to paw the earth |
* 泡 pào bubble/to soak 水泡 shuǐpào bubble; blister 泡开 pàokāi to steep; soak |
袍 páo robe; gown 长袍 chángpáo long gown |
刨 páo to excavate; exclude 刨挖 páowā to dig 刨除 páochú to deduct |
匏 páo gourd 匏瓜 páoguā bitter gourd |
咆 páo to roar; howl 咆哮 páoxiào to roar; thunder |
庖 páo kitchen 庖厨 páochú kitchen |

September 25, 2008, 12:11 PMHi goulniky,
These 包-series characters are very troublesome for me to memorize. And to make matters VERY worse, there are even some multi-reading characters (多音字) among them, which always makes me want to 逃跑!
跑 (pao3) means “run” in modern Mandarin, but it meant “gallop” in ancient Chinese. In the past, people used “走” (zou3) in the sense of “run”. Interestingly, 走 is still used to mean “run” in modern Japanese.

October 13, 2008, 01:46 PMCSV-list (for the import to Flashcard apps; "@" is delimeter):
刨@bào; páo@bào: to plane (sth. down); to plane (sth. down) - páo: to excavate; exclude
刨挖@páowā@to dig
刨花@bàohuā@wood shavings
刨除@páochú@to deduct
包@bāo@to wrap; surround /bag
包围@bāowéi@to surround
匏瓜@páoguā@bitter gourd
吃饱@chībǎo@to eat one's fill
咆@páo@to roar; howl
咆哮@páoxiào@to roar; thunder
尿泡@niàopāo@urine/ to urinate
抱@bào@to hold/carry in arms; adopt
抱养@bàoyǎng@to adopt (a child)
拥抱@yōngbào@to embrace
水泡@shuǐpào@bubble; blister
泡@pāo; pāopào@pāo: sth. puffy and soft; sth. puffy and soft - pào: bubble/to soak
泡开@pàokāi@to steep; soak
炮@bāo; páo; pào@bāo: to quick-fry; to quick-fry - páo: to roast in a pan - pào: cannon; firecracker
炮制@páozhì@to concoct; cook up
炮姜@páojiāng@baked ginger
炮肉@bāoròu@roasted meat
眼泡@yǎnpāo@upper eyelid
胞@bāo@womb; placenta
苞@bāo@bud; luxuriant
袍@páo@robe; gown
跑@pǎo; páo@pǎo: to run; to run - páo: to paw the earth
跑步@pǎobù@to jog
钱包@qiánbāo@purse; wallet
长袍@chángpáo@long gown
饱@bǎo@full; plump; satiated
September 25, 2008, 12:09 PMMulti-reading characters (多音字)
炮 bāo to quick-fry
炮 páo to roast in a pan
炮 pào cannon; firecracker
泡 pāo sth. puffy and soft
泡 pào bubble/to soak
刨bào to plane (sth. down)
刨 páo to excavate; exclude
跑 pǎo to run
跑 páo to paw the earth