China cancels arms contract in protest

October 07, 2008, 10:48 AM posted in General Discussion



抗议对台军售 北京取消与美军交流










抗议对台军售 北京取消美军交流 抗议 kàngyì v./n. protest
取消 qǔxiāo v. cancel
交流 jiāoliú v. exchange
北京取消美军交流 美军 Měijūn n. U.S. forces
阿帕奇武装直升机是这次美国对台军售的内容 阿帕奇 Āpàqí Apache
武装 wǔzhuāng attr. armed
直升机 zhíshēngjī n. helicopter; chopper
中国突然取消一系列美国军事外交交流抗议美国计划台湾十亿美元军售 一系列 yīxìliè n. a series of
计划 jìhuà n./v. plan
十亿 shíyì num. one billion
军售 jūnshòu n. military equipment for export
美国官员记者说,北京已经通知美国,不会继续几个对美国高层访问和其他中美军方的合作计划 高层 gāocéng attr. high-level
合作 hézuò v./n. cooperate; collaborate
继续 jìxù v./adv. go on
美国官员说,中国双方军事交流政治化,将导致错失许多机会。不过中国的行动不会影响中国参加旨在朝鲜放弃核武的六方会谈 错失 cuòshī n. fault; mistake
旨在 zhǐzài v.p. be aimed at
放弃 fàngqì v. abandon; give up
会谈 huìtán v./n. talks
一名中国高级将军即将对美国访问以及其他类似军方访问取消海军军舰访问也被取消无限期推迟大规模杀伤性武器扩散谈判 类似 lèisì v. be similar to
无限期 wúxiànqī n. indefinite duration
推迟 tuīchí v. postpone; defer
扩散 kuòsàn v. spread; diffuse
美国国务院发言人罗伯特·伍德说,中国采取上述措施,十分不幸。 采取 cǎiqǔ v. take; adopt
上述 shàngshù attr. above-mentioned
中国美国决定向台湾出售65亿美元先进武器军事装备的决定感到愤怒。这些武器包括导弹攻击直升机 出售 chūshòu v. offer for sale; sell
先进 xiānjìn v./s.v. advance
装备 zhuāngbèi n. equipment; outfit
愤怒 fènnù s.v. indignant; angry
攻击 gōngjī v. attack; assault
北京表示对台军售是对中国内政干涉,并且危害中国国家安全 内政 nèizhèng n. domestic affairs
干涉 gānshè n. interference
危害 wēihài v. harm; endanger
新闻 表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
发言人 fāyánrén n. spokesperson
访问 fǎngwèn v. visit
官员 guānyuán n. official
记者 jìzhě n. (news) reporter; correspondent
通知 tōngzhī v. notify; inform
地理 美国 Měiguó United States
台湾 Táiwān Taiwan
朝鲜 Cháoxiǎn Korea
中国 Zhōngguó China
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
防卫 导弹 dǎodàn n. guided missile M: 枚
国家安全 guójiā ānquán national security
军方 jūnfāng n. the military
军事 jūnshì n. ①military affairs ②the military
核武 héwǔ nuclear weapon
将军 jiāngjun n. ①general ②high-rank officer
海军 hǎijūn navy
军舰 jūnjiàn n. warship; naval vessel M:条/叟
美军 Měijūn n. U.S. forces M:支
武器 wǔqì n. weapon; arms M:种
大规模杀伤性武器 dàguīmó shāshāng wǔqìxìng weapon of mass destruction
政治 政治化 zhèngzhìhuà politization
政治 zhèngzhì politics, political
国务院 Guówùyuàn State Council
外交 wàijiāo n. diplomacy; foreign affairs
措施 cuòshī n. measure; step M:项
双方 shuāngfāng n. both sides; two parties
谈判 tánpàn v./n. negotiations; talks
美元 Měiyuán n. U.S. dollar

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October 09, 2008, 12:58 AM

I was somewhat puzzled by the sentence, "无限期推迟大规模杀伤性武器扩散谈判".

无限期 (indefinitely) 推迟 (postpone) 就 (?) 大规模杀伤性武器(weapons of mass destruction) 扩散的 (nuclear proliferation) 谈判 (negotiations).  

I get the general gist of the sentence, namely that China is postponing nuclear proliferation talks (but not with regards to North Korea).  My question is, does anyone know the function of 就 as used in the sentence?


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October 09, 2008, 01:22 AM

Hi tvan,

I just asked Professor Cheng, aka Connie. You're right, the 就 should not be there. In her words,  有“就”这句话根本读不通.

So if Xinhua needs a new proofreader, you should be on the short list.

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October 09, 2008, 01:34 AM

Hi tvan,

A multi-function word "" has another tricky usage. In this case, the means "about, with regards to, speaking of". For instance, you can say "英语来说,他比别人流利些。"

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October 09, 2008, 01:42 AM


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October 09, 2008, 02:46 AM

Hi changye and tvan,

In hindsight, we have decided that the sentence is OK with or without the 就. Since it doesn't affect the meaning of the sentence my first reaction was to cut it out. But on the other hand it does no harm. 

So basically you have demonstrated once again the superb level of erudition and cooperation on the CPod boards.

Thanks for keeping me honest, changye.

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October 09, 2008, 03:11 AM

Speaking of keeping honest, I believe that my earlier interpretation of 扩散 as "nuclear proliferation" was in error.  I believe I should have used the more common definition of "spread or proliferate."  Thus 大规模杀伤性武器扩散 becomes "weapons of mass destruction proliferation."  I think that makes more sense in light of the 就...的 structure.