Author JMG Le Clézio gets Nobel

October 09, 2008, 05:45 PM posted in General Discussion


发表日期 09/10/200   法语   


法国作家让・玛丽勒克莱齐奥荣获2008年诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典皇家科学院宣布诺贝尔奖评选委员会夫发表声明说,勒克莱齐奥是是一位与传统决裂的作 家。他的作品具有诗意般的冒险、令人沉醉的性感、以及对文明主宰下的人类上下求索的精神。勒克莱齐奥小说突出的主题是漂泊。他的作品也常反映出他对已消逝 的原始文明的关注,

勒克莱齐奥与1940年出生于法国南部城市尼斯一个18世纪从毛里求斯岛移民法国的家庭。在45年的写作生涯中,已经出版了50多本书,并已获得各 种各样的文学大奖。二十三岁时,勒克莱齐奥即以第一部小说《笔录》荣获法国四大文学奖之一的《贺那多奖》。 1980年,再以《沙漠》一书获颁法兰西学院《保罗・莫杭大奖》。 1994年,法国『读书』杂志举办读者票选"最喜爱的作家",勒克莱齐奥荣膺榜首。现年68岁的勒克莱齐奥,将在12月10日到瑞典接受颁奖时获得相当于 100万欧元的奖金。


法国作家勒克莱齐奥获得诺贝尔文学 勒克莱齐奥 Le Clezio
获得诺贝尔 Nuòbèi'ěr Nobel
法国作家让・玛丽勒克莱齐奥荣获2008年诺贝尔文学奖。瑞典皇家科学院宣布诺贝尔奖评选委员会夫发表声明说,勒克莱齐奥是是一位与传统决裂的作家。他的作品具有诗意般的冒险、令人沉醉的性感、以及对文明主宰下的人类上下求索的精神。勒克莱齐奥小说突出的主题是漂泊。他的作品也常反映出他对已消逝原始文明的关注, 皇家 huángjiā n. imperial house
决裂 juéliè v. break with; rupture
诗意 shīyì n. poetic sentiment/flavor
冒险 màoxiǎn v.o. take risks/chances
沉醉 chénzuì v. get drunk
主宰 zhǔzǎi v. dominate; dictate; decide
漂泊 piāobó v. drift aimlessly
反映 fǎnyìng v. reflect; mirror
消逝 xiāoshì v./n. die/fade away; vanish
原始 yuánshǐ s.v. original
勒克莱齐奥与1940年出生于法国南部城市尼斯一个18世纪从毛里求斯移民法国的家庭。在45年的写作生涯中,已经出版了50多本书,并已获得各种各样的文学大奖。二十三岁时,勒克莱齐奥即以第一部小说《笔录荣获法国四大文学奖之一的《贺那多奖》。 1980年,再以《沙漠》一书获颁法兰西学院《保罗・莫杭大奖》。 1994年,法国读书杂志举办读者票选"最喜爱的作家",勒克莱齐奥荣膺榜首。现年68岁的勒克莱齐奥,将在12月10日到瑞典接受颁奖时获得相当于100万欧元的奖金 生涯 shēngyá n. career; profession
笔录 bǐlù n. notes; record (Le procès-verbal)
沙漠 shāmò desert
票选 piàoxuǎn v. elect/vote
荣膺 róngyīng have the privilege
榜首 bǎngshǒu n. first place
在此之前,法国最后一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的作家是华裔作家高行健。从1901年至2008年,共有14位法国作家获得了诺贝尔文学奖。其中包括中国熟知法国作家加缪萨特莫里亚克罗曼罗兰纪德等等。 高行健 Gāo Xíngjiàn
熟知 shúzhī v.p. know very well
加缪 Albert Camus
萨特 Jean-Paul Sartre
莫里亚克 Francois Mauriac
罗曼罗兰 Romain Rolland
纪德 André Gide
新闻 出版 chūbǎn v. publish
发表 fābiǎo v. publish; issue
声明 shēngmíng v./n. state; announce
宣布 xuānbù v. declare; proclaim; announce
杂志 zázhì n. magazine; journal; periodical
地理 法国 Fǎguó France
城市 chéngshì town; city M:座
法兰西 Fǎlánxī France
瑞典 Ruìdiǎn Sweden
南部 nánbù southern part
中国 Zhōngguó China
尼斯 Nísī Nice
毛里求斯 Máolǐqiúsī Mauritius
社会 移民 yímín v. emigrate
华裔 Huáyì n. foreign citizen of Chinese origin
文学 读书 dú shū v.o. read a book (Lire)
读者 dúzhě n. reader
文学 wénxué n. literature
荣获 rónghuò v. have the honor to win
获颁 huòbān v. be awarded
颁奖 bānjiǎng v.o. present reward/honor
奖金 jiǎngjīn n. money award
诺贝尔奖 Nuòbèi'ěr Jiǎng n. Nobel Prize
评选 píngxuǎn to select; vote
贺那多奖 Renaudot prize
保罗・莫杭大奖 Paul Morand prize

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October 10, 2008, 02:29 AM

As a Japanese, I could drink tasty beer in the past few days, owing to Nobel Prizes. Haha, please laugh at me. Living in a foreign country sometimes makes you patriotic and nationalistic!

In particular, I'm very pleased that Professor Nambu has been awarded a Nobel physics prize. He has been well known among science-lovers in Japan for several decades.

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October 10, 2008, 04:24 AM

Changye, considering Nambu's nationality, we could both have a beer over that Nobel.  As you know, in the past most Asians who won Nobel prizes lived in the U.S. due to superior postwar research facilities.  It was heartening to see two Japanese living in Japan (and Nambu) sharing this year's prize.

Given China's production of PHD's, one wonders when Chinese residing in Taiwan and/or China will begin winning Nobel prizes.  If one accepts the premise that increasing liberty and wealth encourages creativity, it seems like it's only a matter of time.  Taiwan is already there on both counts by any objective standard.

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October 10, 2008, 04:42 AM

sorry to appear patriotic, I really don't care much for this, but Le Clézio is a remarkabke person, not only a brilliant writer but someone who's really different, with lucid and unambiguous views about the world, who does speak his mind (although he's not a media person).

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October 10, 2008, 05:50 AM

Hi tvan,

I'm pleased that not a few Asian people have contributed to the development and prosperity of the US. And, let me say Prof. Nambu still IS a Japanese (at least for me) regardless of his current nationality, hehe, but if he commited a grave crime in the US, he would soon change into "an American citizen" in my mind. 哈哈,我太自私啊....!

All joking aside, sorry, I readily admit that the system of research and higher education in the US is just brilliant. As you wrote, some overseas Chinese have already been awarded Nobel prizes, definitely partly owing to the ideal research environments in the US, like 博士, Chinese-American, who has won a chemistry prize this time.

In this sense, I'm not so optimistic about future Nobel prizes won by native Chinese who live in mainland China. It seems to me that increasing wealth doesn't necessarily contribute to the healthy development of science in China. On the contrary, I'm afraid that "money whorship" corrupt Chinese universities and research institutes.

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October 10, 2008, 06:53 PM

The above notwithstanding, I ran into this article on some Chinese nominated for a Nobel.  I imagine such news would receive a reception similar to that with which the Bush administration greeted news of Al Gore's Nobel last year.

goulniky, I apologize for the partial hijacking of this thread.  France truly is a cultural treasure as evidenced once again here.