My latest blog post

October 10, 2008, 08:04 AM posted in General Discussion

My latest blog post is entitled Waking up to the economics of networked learning' and here is the link.

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October 10, 2008, 08:56 AM

I really enjoyed that, Ken. Not having the background that you do, its always interesting to see the road ahead from someone who's already cresting the next hill.

Thanks for sharing!

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October 10, 2008, 09:24 AM

Ken.. have you thought about doing video or audio blogging? As much as I like the written form, in that you can use point lists and so forth, I really do get more of a connection from the author when it is spoken or videoed..


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October 10, 2008, 09:29 AM

Next step of "futurology": Learning through networks during the war ...

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October 10, 2008, 11:37 AM


I agree with your views on this.I just wished the future had arrived when I went to uni.I think making full use of current technology would have been much more efficient.Distincly remember one lecturer putting up overhead after overhead at a rapid rate of knots that we were meant to write down at full speed.No time for taking anything in.So much to be said in favour of networked learning [not to mention eliminating travelling for those chunks of learning that can be done this way].Of course some practical skills cannot be totally taught this way,although even with that many can.Glad there are some people like yourself who are forward thinking in this area as many educators seem to be content with the way things have always been done.It's obviously no accident CPod has been successful with people who are prepared to think outside the square like yourself and innovate.Bravo.