phonetic map : 贝 bei

October 10, 2008, 03:04 PM posted in General Discussion

@ 贝

 bèi barium
 bèi shellfish; cowrie
宝贝 bǎobèi treasure; darling
贝壳 bèiké clamshell
 bei (obviousness or grudging agreement)
 bài to lose; defeat; decay
失败 shībài to lose; fail
腐败 fǔbài rotten; corrupt
 bài .
梵呗 fànbài Buddhist chanting of prayers
  dam; dike
坝子 bàzi n. embankment; dam
 bèi .
狼狈 lángbèi helplessly dependent; 
disorientated / Scoundrel!

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October 10, 2008, 06:46 PM

isn't  a radical and not a phonetic element?

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October 11, 2008, 05:05 AM


贝 a phonetic in the characters above (where it's on the right in 3/4 cases), and a radical in the characters below (where it's generally on the left or below) :员 (yuán) 资 (zī) 则 (zé) 费 (fèi) 责 (zé) 质 (zhì) 负 (fù) 财 (cái) 货 (huò) 贵 (guì) 赛 (sài) 圆 (yuán) 购 (gòu) 赞 (zàn) 赏 (shǎng) 贸 (mào) 贴 (tiē) 贫 (pín) 贯 (guàn) 贡 (gòng) 页 (yè) 贷 (dài) 贺 (hè) 贪 (tān) 贤 (xián) 赔 (péi) 赠 (zèng) 赋 (fù) 赌 (dǔ) 贼 (zéi) 账 (zhàng) 贩 (fàn) 贾 (gǔ) 赐 (cì) 贞 (zhēn) 贱 (jiàn)贿 (huì) 贬 (biǎn)  贮 (zhù) 赎 (shú)

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October 11, 2008, 07:20 AM

CSV-list (for the import to Flashcard apps; "@" is delimeter):

呗@bei@(obviousness or grudging agreement)
坝@bà@dam; dike
坝子@bàzi@n. embankment; dam
失败@shībài@to lose; fail
宝贝@bǎobèi@treasure; darling
梵呗@fànbài@Buddhist chanting of prayers
狼狈@lángbèi@helplessly dependent;  disorientated / Scoundrel!
腐败@fǔbài@rotten; corrupt
贝@bèi@shellfish; cowrie
败@bài@to lose; defeat; decay

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October 11, 2008, 02:57 PM

For Sherlockians,

"Baker Street" is translated as "贝克街" (bei4 ke4 jie1) in Chinese, but not "" (bei4 ke2 jie1). The character "" is a multi-reading character (多音字). It is pronounced as "ke2" in conversational usages、and as "qiao4" in written Chinese. So "The Earth's crust" is "地壳" (di4 qiao4), but not "di4 ke2", in Chinese.