第一回: Chunk 38

October 15, 2008, 09:32 AM posted in General Discussion

不想这日三月十五,葫芦庙中炸供,那些和尚不加小心,致使油锅火逸,便烧着窗 纸. 此方人家多用竹篱木壁者,大抵也因劫数,于是接二连三,牵五挂四,将一条街烧 得如火焰山一般. 彼时虽有军民来救,那火已成了势,如何救得下?直烧了一夜,方渐 渐的熄去,也不知烧了几家.

My try:
Unexpectedly at the day of March, the 15th, in the monastery 葫芦 there was food frying for scarifying to the gods. Those monks were not careful enough to prevent the fryer from bursting into flames, then the window curtains caught fire. In this place everybody extensively used bamboo fences and the wooden walls for building houses, probably it was predetermined fate. As a result step by step the street turned burning like a sort of “Mountain of Flames”. Although firemen came for rescue, at that time the fire already had become powerful, how could it be stopped? It had already been burning a whole night, when it was slowly extinguished and it was unclear how many homes were burned down.

(不想) unexpectedly at the day of March the fifteenth

in the monastery 葫芦(炸供) there was food frying for scarifying to the gods

those monks (不加小心) were not careful enough

to prevent the fryer from bursting into flames

便烧着窗 纸   
then the (窗 纸, lit. „Window paper“) window curtains caught fire
In this place everybody (多用) extensively used (竹篱) bamboo fences and the wooden walls (木壁者) [for building houses]

(大抵) probably (劫数) it was predetermined fate

于是接二连三, 牵五挂四
As a result (接二连三) one after another, 牵五挂四 (one after another) -> step by step

将一条街烧 得如火焰山一般
the street turned burning like a (一般) sort of (火焰山) Mountain of Flames (also insurmountable obstacle)

(彼时) That time although (军民) firemen [lit: soldiers and civilians] came for rescue

That fire already had become (势) powerful

How to save (=stop the fire)?

[Already] Burning a whole night

方渐 渐的熄去
(方) Just/then it was slowly extinguished

And it (不知) was unclear how many homes were burned down

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October 16, 2008, 02:32 AM

Hi henning,

便烧着窗纸 Probably the window was made of wooden frame covered with thin paper, just like Japanese shoji.

此方人家多用竹篱木壁, which is very similar to a Japanese house.

火焰山 This mountain appears in “西游记. For the record, 花果山 is the birthplace of 孙悟空 in the novel.