Initial Post: Description Cleanup, Policies, etc.
October 16, 2008, 02:51 AM posted in General DiscussionThere are a couple of things I want to run past the members (once there are some) before I make them official policies.
1. Are the policies as written both fair and understandable?
2. Should I allow Chinese-language book recommendations? And if so, what should be the criteria? Books with specialized language? Books for an adult (over 18) audience?
3. We need some kind of labeling system for content. I'd like to include a reading level (Juvenile (12/13 and under), Young Adult (13/14 to 18), Adult (18+)) and a genre (romance, supernatural, kung fu, erotica . . .) label.
Also, we need a group icon. If anyone has an interesting-looking selection of Chinese language books that they can arrange artfully and take a picture of, I'd be eternally grateful! I'd so it myself, but I only have the first Harry Potter book in my own Chinese-language library so far.
February 12, 2009, 04:59 AMHi Penhui!
I like your labeling system idea - age appropriateness + genre seems to make lots of sense. If that's the Post Title, then anyone could add recommendations under whatever post they've got an idea for.
I think if members know of Chinese language books they'd like to recommend, that would be great. Otherwise, books in translation are a great learning tool because we can refer to both copies rather than the dictionary when we're stumped.