ASEM leaders gather in Beijing (完全)

October 24, 2008, 04:04 AM posted in General Discussion



发表日期 22/10/2008   















亚欧峰会明天在北京拉开帷幕 帷幕 wéimù n. curtain
亚欧峰会明天(10月24日)将在北京拉开帷幕,作为欧盟轮值主席法国总统萨科齐将于今天启程前往北京参加峰会。亚欧峰会是1996年,由法国新加坡发起的,意在使占据世界经济百分之60的亚洲欧洲之间建立对话关系。峰会每两年举行一次,各国元首政府领导人出席峰会峰会机制建立以来,不断扩大 轮值 lúnzhí v. go on duty in turn
启程 qǐchéng v.o. set out; leave
占据 zhànjù v. occupy; hold
建立 jiànlì v. establish; set up
出席 chūxí v.o. attend; be present
机制 jīzhì n. mechanism
扩大 kuòdà v. enlarge; expand
起初亚洲国家包括东盟的七个国家、中国日本韩国欧盟国家以外,两年前又有印度巴基斯坦蒙古保加利亚、和罗马尼亚五国加入。明天召开的第七峰会有45个国家参加,是与会国最多的一峰会议题涵盖经济气候变暖等一系列问题,据媒体分析,这次峰会将重点讨论进一步解决目前金融危机。 起初 qǐchū n. at first; originally
包括 bāokuò v. include; consist of
涵盖 hángài v. cover; include
气候变暖 qìhòu biànnuǎn global warming
进一步 jìnyībù v.o. go a step further
德国总理默克尔意在中国修好 意在 yìzài v.p. the idea is …
修好 xiūhǎo r.v. foster cordial relations
德国总理默克尔,今天也将飞赴北京出席峰会法新社认为,默克尔将借此机会和中国修好。由于去年九月份,西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛访问德国时,默克尔正式会晤达赖喇嘛,令北京大为不满,引发德、中外交关系紧张,但是双方间的经贸交往并没有真正受到影响。一年来,经过外交周旋柏林北京之间的关系明显缓和,但是分歧并没有完全弥合 会晤 huìwù v. meet
不满 bùmǎn s.v. resentful; dissatisfied
紧张 jǐnzhāng s.v. tense; intense; strained
周旋 zhōuxuán v. socialize
缓和 huǎnhé v. relax; ease up
分歧 fēnqí n. difference; divergence
弥合 míhé v. close; bridge
本次峰会期间,默克尔夫人将和中国领导人单独会晤首先是与总理温家宝,然后与中国主席胡锦涛会面。据德国政治分析人士法新社表示,这是默克尔希望释放一个中、德关系正常的信号。但是据亲柏林政府渠道消息,在与中国领导人会晤时,默克尔不会回避那些敏感问题。 单独 dāndú attr./adv. alone; individually
分析人士 fēnxirénshì analyst
释放 shìfàng v. release
信号 xìnhào n. signal
回避 huíbì v. evade; dodge
敏感 mǐngǎn s.v. sensitive
分析人士指出,如果默克尔金融危机方面希望得到中国方面的支持,那么她回旋余地并不大。此分析认为,解决目前金融危机,中国扮演着一个非常重要的角色,如果中国不合作,那么既不会有金融体系的整顿,也不会有解决危机的管理。分析人士称,如果召开改革国际金融体系的世界峰会中国必将排在前几位的,由此他认为,默克尔夫人必须考虑是否应该采取传统的、更和缓外交方式。 回旋 huíxuán v. have room to maneuver
余地 yúdì n. leeway; margin; room
角色 juésè n. role; part
不合作 bù hézuò s.v./v. non-cooperative
整顿 zhěngdùn n./v. reorganize
必将 bìjiāng adv. inevitably
排在 páizai v.p. be ranked at
采取 cǎiqǔ v. take; adopt
和缓 héhuǎn s.v. gentle; mild
日本首相麻生太郎:在国际舞台首次重要亮相 舞台 wǔtái n. stage; arena
亮相 liàngxiàng v.o. perform; state one's views
另外韩国总统李明博日本首相麻生太郎亚洲国家领导人也将赴北京参加峰会,新上任麻生太郎首次和各国领导人进行会晤 上任 shàngrèn v.o. assume an office
本台东京特约记者费丽文报道指出:“麻生太郎将在会议期间与法国总统萨科齐韩国总统李明博中国国家主席胡锦涛举行上任后的首次会谈。到周三为止,只有日韩首脑会谈的内容较确定,预计双方回避敏感竹岛韩国独岛领土纠纷,讨论朝鲜问题和金融危机对策等。 会谈 huìtán v./n. talks; conversation
首脑 shǒunǎo n. head; chief
预计 yùjì n./v. estimate
纠纷 jiūfēn n. dispute; issue
对策 duìcè n. way to deal with a situation
麻生曾被中韩两国视为友善鹰派首相日本政府日前刻意透露,麻生认为日本与中韩的关系十分重要,并已向中韩表示有意继续前首相福田康夫原来与中韩首脑达成9月份在日本举行三国首脑会谈的计划,提议会谈改到12月初在麻生的家乡-福冈举行 视为 shìwéi v.p. regard as
友善 yǒushàn s.v. friendly
鹰派 yīngpà n. hawks
刻意 kèyì adv. painstakingly
有意 yǒuyì v.o. be interested in
提议 tíyì v. propose; suggest
麻生政权成立后,中国政府似乎经过短期观察,正在开始恢复去年以来与日本频繁交流。上周中国国防部一个21人的访日团低调但细微到访日本皇宫防卫厅等地参观;周三在广岛还参观了原子弹爆炸资料馆,作为访日团代表的中国国防部发言人黄雪平观后表示震惊原子弹受害的惨状,中日两国必须为地区与世界和平作贡献 观察 guānchá v. observe; inspect
恢复 huīfù v. resume; renew
频繁 pínfán s.v. frequent
细微 xìwēi s.v. slight; subtle
皇宫 huánggōng n. (imperial) palace
爆炸 bàozhà v. explode; blow up
震惊 zhènjīng s.v. shock; amaze; astonish
惨状 cǎnzhuàng n. miserable condition
贡献 gòngxiàn n. contribution
另一方面,伴随台湾总统马英九掌权下新驻日代表处代表冯寄台上个月底就任,台湾积极构筑日台关系的活动也正趋活跃。周二台湾驻日代表处招待日本传媒记者,解释马英九政权谋求的日台特殊伙伴关系,其中包括中台改善关系不影响台湾对日关系的本质和日台搁置钓鱼岛主权争端,努力解决渔业权等问题。” 伴随 bànsuí v. accompany
掌权 zhǎngquán v.o. exercise control
搁置 gēzhì v. shelve; lay aside
争端 zhēngduān n. conflict; dispute
渔业权 yúyèquán n. fishery rights
积极 jījí s.v. active
构筑 gòuzhù v. construct; build
活跃 huóyuè s.v. active; dynamic
招待 zhāodài v. receive (guests)
改善 gǎishàn v. improve
新闻 似乎 sìhū adv. it seems
报道 bàodào v./n. report (news)
表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
传媒 chuánméi n. communication media M:家
到访 dàofǎng v. arrive on a visit
发言人 fāyánrén n. spokesperson
访问 fǎngwèn v. visit
记者 jìzhě n. (news) reporter; correspondent
媒体 méitǐ n. media
渠道 qúdào n. medium/channel of communication M:条
透露 tòulù v. reveal
消息 xiāoxi n. news; information
指出 zhǐchū r.v. point out (that)
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
首次 shǒucì n. first (time)
首先 shǒuxiān adv. first
法新社 Fǎxīnshè AFP
路透社 Lùtòushè n. Reuter's News Agency
特约记者 tèyuē jìzhě n. special correspondent
地理 国际 guójì attr. international
领土 lǐngtǔ n. territory
世界 shìjiè world
欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe
德国 Déguó Germany
法国 Fǎguó France
保加利亚 Bǎojiālìyà Bulgaria
罗马尼亚 Luómǎníyà Romania
蒙古 Měnggǔ Mongolia
柏林 Bólín Berlin
台湾 Táiwān Taiwan
巴基斯坦 Bājīsītǎn Pakistan
亚洲 Yàzhōu Asia
朝鲜 Cháoxiǎn Korea
韩国 Hánguó South Korea
日本 Rìběn Japan
印度 Yìndù India
新加坡 Xīnjiāpō Singapore
中国 Zhōngguó China
西藏 Xīzàng Tibet
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
东京 Dōngjīng Tokyo
竹岛 Zhúdǎo Bamboo Islands
独岛 Dúdǎo Dokdo Islands
福冈 Fúgāng Fukuoka (Jp.)
广岛 Guǎng Dǎo Hiroshima (Jp.)
钓鱼岛 Diàoyú Dǎo p.w. Diaoyu Island
会议 峰会 fēnghuì summit meeting
会议 huìyì n. meeting; conference; council; congress
举行 jǔxíng v. hold (a meeting/etc.)
主席 zhǔxí n. chair/president
jiè m. session (of conference/meeting)
召开 zhàokāi v. convene
议题 yìtí n. topic for/under discussion M:项
防卫 防卫 fángwèi n. defense
国防部 Guófángbù Ministry of Defense
原子弹 yuánzǐdàn n. atom/atomic bomb
政治 政府 zhèngfǔ government
总统 zǒngtǒng n. president
政治 zhèngzhì politics, political
首相 shǒuxiàng n. prime minister
外交 wàijiāo n. diplomacy; foreign affairs
议会 yìhuì n. parliament; legislative assembly
元首 yuánshǒu n. head of state
总理 zǒnglǐ n. premier; prime minister
改革 gǎigé n./v. reform M:次/种/项
领导人 lǐngdǎorén n. leader
双方 shuāngfāng n. both sides; two parties
政权 zhèngquán n. regime
欧盟 Ōuméng ab. 欧洲联盟 Ōuzhōu Liánméng European Union
东盟 Dōng-Méng ab. 东南亚国家联盟 Dōngnányà Guójiā Liánméng ASEAN
政权 zhèngquán n. political/state power; regime
主权 zhǔquán n. sovereign rights; sovereignty
政治家 胡锦涛 Hú Jǐntáo (中国主席)
李明博 Lǐ Míngbó Lee Myung-bak (韩国总统)
麻生太郎 Máshēng Tàiláng Taro Aso (日本首相)
默克尔 Mòkè'ěr Merkel
萨科齐 Sàkēqí Sarkozy
温家宝 Wēn Jiābǎo (中国总理)
马英九 Mǎ Yīngjiǔ (台湾总统)
社会 达赖喇嘛 Dálài Lǎma n. the Dalai Lama
精神领袖 jīngshén lǐngxiù n. spiritual leader
商业 经济 jīngjì n. economy
短期 duǎnqī n. short time/period/term
贡献 gòngxiàn n. contribution
金融 jīnróng n. finance; banking
经贸 jīngmào ab. 经济and贸易 economy and trade

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October 25, 2008, 09:05 AM

South Korean President, to my surprise, made no mention of “territorial and historical issue” at the meeting, which I find it hard to believe since that is the most important, favorite, exciting, and never-ending political topic among Korean people, and the hot issue had long been an indispensable agenda item, always raised unilaterally by South Korea, at summit meetings in the past. I still remember clearly that the President severely criticized Japan on this matter only a few months ago.


Strangely enough, some major Korean newspapers, which are usually fond of criticizing Japan or even trying to “enlighten ignorant Japanese people, have also suddenly begun to emphasize the need for the closer cooperation between Korea and Japan. I wonder what on earth happened to Korean people? Did they cross the aisle? It looks like that the “financial crisis” is not necessarily a bad thing. At least it can promote “friendly” relationship between the two countries, albeit temporarily, hehe.


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October 27, 2008, 06:45 AM



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October 28, 2008, 12:08 AM

changye, 我真的不懂很多金融的事情。例如说,为什么日本的政府要日元贬值了。第二世界大战以后,当然要发展经济,并且要找工作给前任的武士。不过现在日本又发达又丰富。而且它的人口越少越老,所以不必需创造新工业。反对日本的财政部还投诉日元太强。

On Japan-Asian relationships, I think other Asian countries both admire and fear Japan, even China.  They admire its success, but look at its current strength while remembering its past.  (While often conveniently ignoring their own history.)  This seems especially true where Korea is concerned.

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October 28, 2008, 02:00 PM

Hi tvan,

You are very right. I admit that Japanese people are somewhat forgetful about “history”, probably as forgetful as people in most other countries including China and Korea. Please let me tell you interesting episodes.

I debated on a historical issue with some Chinese young guys on the Internet a few years ago. I was very impressed with their impassionate eloquence and abundant knowledge when they were criticizing and blaming Japan.

On the other hand, they didn’t say lot when I asked their opinions about Chinese invasions of Vietnam and an ethnic territory, which happened only a few decades ago. They didn’t seem to know much about their own histories. 

One of them even said to me, without answering my question, China wouldn’t hesitate to wage war if necessary. I understand their sentiments about their own history very well because I myself also love “double standard”.

In 1960s, South Korea dispatched a lot of troops to Vietnam upon the request of the United States, and some Korean soldiers slaughtered local villagers in Vietnam, but most modern Korean people are indifference to this fact. 

I hear that there is no mention to the atrocity in their history textbooks in ROK. On the contrary, “The Vietnam Brave Warriors Memorial Park”, a kind of sightseeing spot, has recently opened in South Korea.

I have no intention to blame Chinese and Korean people for their “double standard”, because I understand their way of thinking very well. Good or bad, this is the reality of “morality” in East Asian countries, Japan included.

I believe that you western guys, of course, definitely have high moral standards and always critically look back on your own history, but please be careful, you apt to become a moral advocate only when criticizing someone.

P/S. By the way, do you know that Japan is the only country that waged war against all the three superpowers, China, Russia, and the US in the past? Its overall record, two victories and two defeats, is not so bad for a small country. I must say Japanese are reckless rather than brave. No more war!

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October 29, 2008, 01:42 AM

changye, I certainly didn't intend to imply that Westerners have a lock on honest history; the English saying, "History is written by the victors," is not intended to be complementary.  Likewise, we Americans are famous for our historical and geographical ignorance. 

I was aware of Japan fighting China, Russia (twice), and the U.S.  Also, I imagine you are aware that, on this side of the Int'l date line, today is the birthdate of Teddy Roosevelt, the U.S. president who won the Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the Japan-Russian war's peace treaty.

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October 29, 2008, 02:54 AM

Hi tvan,

Thanks, I feel relieved to hear your words. I thought that only we East Asian guys were forgetful about history. To tell you the truth, we are actually not so forgetful about ....... self-serving history and information. We have a convenient memory, haha.

Looks like that Japanese people must thank Teddy Roosevelt for the Japan-Russian peace treaty. In fact, Japan won the war (1904-1905) by only a narrow margin. Japan had no weapon/manpower left to continue the war when concluded the treaty.