Somali pirates seize new ships

November 20, 2008, 05:41 AM posted in General Discussion


发表日期 19/11/2008   


盘踞在索马里的海盗依然是国际社会的关注焦点。根据本台法语组周三晚间的报道,在沙特阿拉伯国营石油公司的“天狼星号”巨型油轮在上周末被劫持后至 今不到一周的时间里,海盗在亚丁湾附近海域又劫持了另外三艘过往的船只:一艘泰国拖网渔船,一艘香港货轮,还有一艘希腊货轮。针对这一局面,国际海事局对 索马里海域频频发生海盗袭击船只,这一海域变得难以控制感到担忧。


共同社发自纽约的消息说,联合国秘书长潘基文在本周早些时候,向安理会提交了一份有关索马里局势实际上持续无政府状态的报告,这份报告要求各国协同 制定海盗对策。在此之前,安理会从今年6月以来,已通过了数份批准进入索马里领海实施海盗对策的决议。根据这些决议,包括法国在内的多个国家已通过书面文 件就向索马里海域派出舰船一事汇报联合国。对此,法国国防部长莫兰证实,为了打击索马里海盗,欧盟在亚丁湾的海上行动将在12月8日开始。

在此之际,法新社周三发自摩加迪沙的报道说,印度海军周二晚间在亚丁湾附近击沉了一艘索马里的海盗“母船”。据介绍,事发前,印度海军舰只发现一艘 船的甲板上,有持枪武装人员活动,船舷上拴有两条快艇,这一情况完全符合海盗“母船”的特征。因此这艘印度海军的舰艇要求对方接受检查,但海盗方面却向印 度军舰开火,印度海军舰艇随即还击。之后,这艘海盗“母船”起火爆炸。印度军方认为是海盗船上囤积的弹药在交火中被引爆,从而引发了爆炸。

海盗亚丁湾附近海域劫持了另外三艘过往的船只 海盗 hǎidào n. pirate
亚丁湾 Yàdīngwān Gulf of Aden
盘踞索马里海盗依然是国际社会的关注焦点根据本台法语组周三晚间的报道,在沙特阿拉伯国营石油公司的“天狼星号”巨型油轮在上周末被劫持后至今不到一周的时间里,海盗亚丁湾附近海域劫持了另外三艘过往的船只:一艘泰国拖网渔船,一艘香港货轮,还有一艘希腊货轮针对这一局面,国际海事局对索马里海域频频发生海盗袭击船只,这一海域变得难以控制感到担忧。 盘踞 pánjù v. illegally/forcibly occupy; be entrenched
天狼星 Tiānlángxīng n. Sirius
巨型油轮 jùxíng yóulún super tanker
被劫持 bèi jiéchí v.p. be held as a hostage
针对 zhēnduì conj. in the light of; in connection with
频频 pínpín adv. again and again; repeatedly
难以 nányǐ v.p. be difficult to
控制 kòngzhì v./n. control
而就“天狼星号”巨型油轮海盗劫持的问题,根据本台法语组的报道沙特外交大臣周三在罗马透露,“天狼星号”的船东们正在谈判卡塔尔半岛电视台报道说,海盗提出了赎金的要求,做为释放25名船员和交换油轮条件 船东 chuándōng n. shipowner
半岛 bàndǎo n. peninsula
赎金 shújīn n. ransom money
释放 shìfàng v. release; set free
条件 tiáojiàn n. condition; term
共同社发自纽约消息说,联合国秘书长潘基文在本周早些时候,向安理会提交了一份有关索马里局势实际上持续无政府状态报告,这份报告要求各国协制定海盗对策。在此之前,安理会从今年6月以来,已通过了数份批准进入索马里领海实施海盗对策决议根据这些决议,包括法国在内的多个国家已通过书面文件就向索马里海域派出舰船一事汇报联合国。对此,法国国防部长莫兰证实,为了打击索马里海盗欧盟亚丁湾的海上行动将在12月8日开始。 提交 tíjiāo v. submit (a problem/etc.) to
局势 júshì n. situation
持续 chíxù v. continue; persist
无政府状态 wúzhèngfǔ zhuàngtài n. anarchy; anarchic state
对策 duìcè n. way to deal with a situation; countermeasure
批准 pīzhǔn v./n. ratify; approve; sanction
实施 shíshī v. put into effect; implement
决议 juéyì n. resolution; decision
在此之际,法新社周三发自摩加迪沙报道说,印度海军周二晚间在亚丁湾附近击沉了一艘索马里海盗“母船”。据介绍,事发前,印度海军舰只发现一艘船的甲板上,有持枪武装人员活动,船舷上拴有两条快艇,这一情况完全符合海盗“母船”的特征。因此这艘印度海军舰艇要求对方接受检查,但海盗方面却向印度军舰开火印度海军舰艇随即还击。之后,这艘海盗“母船”起火爆炸印度军方认为是海盗船上囤积弹药交火中被引爆,从而引发了爆炸 击沉 jīchén r.v. (bombard and) sink
甲板 jiǎbǎn n. deck (of ship)
开火 kāihuǒ v.o. open fire
爆炸 bàozhà v. explode; blow up
弹药 dànyào n. ammunition M:盒
交火 jiāohuǒ v.o. fight; exchange fire
引爆 yǐnbào v. ignite; detonate
新闻 报道 bàodào v./n. report (news)
报告 bàogào v./n. report
电视台 diànshìtái TV station M:家
发生 fāshēng v. happen
根据 gēnjù cov. according to
汇报 huìbào v./n. report; give an account of
焦点 jiāodiǎn n. focus; focal point
透露 tòulù v. reveal
消息 xiāoxi n. news; information
证实 zhèngshí v. confirm
法新社 Fǎxīnshè AFP
共同社 Gòngtóngshè Kyodo News Agency
地理 法国 Fǎguó France
国际 guójì attr. international
卡塔尔 Kǎtǎ'ěr Qatar
罗马 Luómǎ Rome
摩加迪沙 Mójiādíshā Mogadishu
纽约 Niǔyuē New York
沙特 Shātè Saudi Arabia
沙特阿拉伯 Shātè Ālābó Saudi Arabia
希腊 Xīlà Greece
索马里 Suǒmǎlǐ Somalia
泰国 Tàiguó Thailand
香港 Xiāng Gǎng Hong Kong
亚丁 Yàdīng Aden
亚丁湾 Yàdīngwān Gulf of Aden
印度 Yìndù India
政治 安理会 Ānlǐhuì ab. 安全理事会 Ānquán Lǐshìhuì n. (U.N.) Security Council
大臣 dàchén n. ministers
国防部长 guófáng bùzhǎng n. defense minister
国际社会 guójì shèhuì international community
国协 Guóxié United Nations
联合国 Liánhéguó n. United Nations
秘书长 mìshūzhǎng n. secretary-general
欧盟 Ōuméng ab. 欧洲联盟 Ōuzhōu Liánméng European Union
外交 wàijiāo n. diplomacy; foreign affairs
谈判 tánpàn v./n. negotiations; talks
政府 zhèngfǔ government
制定 zhìdìng v. formulate; draft; institute; establish
海盗 持枪 chíqiāng v.o. hold a gun
劫持 jiéchí v. kidnap; hijack
海盗 hǎidào n. pirate
还击 huánjī v. fight back; return fire
赎金 shújīn n. ransom money
囤积 túnjī v. ①hoard for speculation ②corner the market
武装 wǔzhuāng attr. armed
袭击 xíjī n. surprise attack
海域 半岛 bàndǎo n. peninsula
船员 chuányuán n. ①mariner ②crew
船只 chuánzhī n. ①shipping ②vessels M:艘
海盗船 hǎidàochuán n. pirate ship; sea rover M:艘/条/只
海军 hǎijūn navy
海事 hǎishì n. ①maritime affairs ②accident at sea M:件
海事局 hǎishìjú maritime affairs office
海域 hǎiyù sea area; maritime space
货轮 huòlún n. freighter; cargo ship M:艘/只
舰船 jiànchuán n. ships; warships M:艘
舰艇 jiàntǐng n. naval vessel M:条/艘
巨型油轮 jùxíng yóulún super tanker
快艇 kuàitǐng n. speedboat; motor boat M:艘
领海 lǐnghǎi n. territorial waters
拖网渔船 tuōwǎng yúchuán n. trawler M:条/艘
油轮 yóulún n. oil tanker M:条/艘
商业 国营 guóyíng attr. state-operated/run/owned
石油公司 shíyóu gōngsī oil company

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November 20, 2008, 09:20 AM

Hi goulniky,

I read a “hilarious” news article today. Looks like pirate is the most up-and-coming occupation in Somalia at present. Thanks to piracies, the standard of living in coastal villages has been drastically improving. Children can go to school now! I don’t know which is better for young guys in Somalia, joining a pirate ship or a terrorist group.

Somali pirates transform villages into boomtowns

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November 20, 2008, 09:31 AM

So, changye: Where are those Ninjas?

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November 20, 2008, 11:46 AM

changye, I'm not with you, what's hilarious about that article? Are the inverted commas around the word meant to be tongue-in-cheek?

With such extravagant profits from oil companies, disgusting greed from investors and increasing gap between rich and poor, I'm surprised that piracy hasn't yet spread to the "developed" world.

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November 20, 2008, 12:05 PM

Hi goulniky,

Of course, that's tongue-in-cheek, as always.

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November 20, 2008, 01:47 PM

On this subject, albeit in English, this article from the Christian Science Monitor discusses the current pirates ' evolving partly in response to another form of piracy ala Goulniky's comment above.

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November 22, 2008, 06:11 PM

Hi you guys. Finally got around to taking more than a superficial look at goulniky's xinwen's. Thanks for all that work for us, really tremendous.Particularly grateful for your vocab links to the site which is brilliant - I always used Yellow Bridge before. Being able to put in handwritten hanzi is a real help, I only had that in my iPAQ. Keep up the good efforts on our behalf, we really appreciate it. P.S. by the way: any boffins out there who can give me idiot-proof instructions on how to get Chinese characters into my iPAQ (I only get little squares)??  I read a few offerings on the internet but it was a bit like the rubik cube and my brain lost track half-way through.