Movie pirating rampant in China

December 10, 2008, 12:28 PM posted in General Discussion


中国盗版情况严重 好莱坞忧心忡忡












中国盗版情况严重 好莱坞忧心忡忡 盗版 dàobǎn n. pirated edition
好莱坞 Hǎoláiwù p.w. Hollywood
忧心忡忡 yōuxīnchōngchōng f.e. care-laden; heavyhearted
中国盗版活动猖獗盗版电影光盘随处有售 猖獗 chāngjué s.v. rampant
光盘 guāngpán n. CD-ROM M:张
随处 suíchù everywhere
美国著名游说团体负责人周二(12月9日)说,目前的全球经济滑坡可能引发新的美国影视盗版高潮。他指出中国的情况尤其严重,每10个售出的DVD光盘中就有9个是盗版 游说团 yóushuìtuán n. lobby group
滑坡 huápō v.o. decline; slump
高潮 gāocháo n. upsurge
美国电影协会负责人格利克曼说,目前经济危机使影视盗版情况尤为严重。如果不加强力度保护知识产权美国遭受更为严重的经济损失 协会 xiéhuì n. association; society
尤为 yóuwéi v.p. especially
加强 jiāqiáng v. strengthen; reinforce
保护知识产权 bǎohù zhīshi chǎnquán n. protection of intellectual property
遭受 zāoshòu v. suffer; sustain
损失 sǔnshī n. loss
美国电影制片厂每年因为盗版问题损失60亿美元,而全球电影业在这方面的损失是这一数字的大约3倍。 电影制片厂 diànyǐng zhìpiànchǎng movie studio
60亿 yì 6 billion
电影业 diànyǐngyè n. film/movie industry
格利克曼指出,有大约27亿美元损失发生中国。那里每售出的10个DVD光盘中就有9个是盗版 大约 dàyuē adv. about; around
格利克曼说,电影和电视为美国经济创收600亿美元,并解决130万人的就业。和贸易赤字情况相反,美国电影在几乎每个国家都创造利润美国影视收入的60%来自海外 视为 shìwéi v.p. regard/consider as
创收 chuàngshōu n. earned income
就业 jiùyè v.o. get or take up a job
赤字 chìzì n. deficit
创造 chuàngzào v. create; produce; bring about
举例说,新推出的007电影《量子危机连续5周高踞全球票房榜首。它上周所得的5亿美元收入的70%来自海外 举例 jǔlì v.o. give an example
量子 liàngzǐ n. quantum
危机 wēijī n. crisis
连续 liánxù attr. continuous; successive; running
票房 piàofáng n. booking/box office
榜首 bǎngshǒu n. first place
该影片在伦敦举行首映式随后包括中国在内的全球60多个国家陆续上映,最后才是美国 首映式 shǒuyìngshì n. premiere (of a film) M:场
包括 bāokuò v. include; consist of
陆续 lùxù adv. one after another; in succession
上映 shàngyìng v. show a film
格利克曼敦促中国采取强有力措施保护知识产权,并允许更多的美国电影进入这个世界上人口最多的国家。 敦促 dūncù v. urge; press
采取 cǎiqǔ v. take; adopt
强有力 qiángyǒulì attr. strong; vigorous
他说,在美国每年生产的数百部影片中,北京当局只允许不到20部在中国放映,这无疑贩卖"禁演影片"的盗版黑市创造了更多的机会。 放映 fàngyìng v.o. show; project (a film)
无疑 wúyí adv. beyond doubt; undoubtedly
贩卖 fànmài v. peddle; sell
黑市 hēishì black market
美国政府中国限制进口包括书籍、音乐和DVD在内的"文化产品"表示不满,并已就此向世贸组织递交抗议 限制 xiànzhì n. restriction; limit; confinement
进口 jìnkǒu v. import
书籍 shūjí n. books; works; literature M:本
不满 bùmǎn s.v. resentful; dissatisfied
递交 dìjiāo v. deliver; hand over
抗议 kàngyì v./n. protest
新闻 随后 suíhòu adv. soon afterward
表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
当局 dāngjú n. authorities
发生 fāshēng v. happen
指出 zhǐchū r.v. point out (that)
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
举行 jǔxíng v. hold (a meeting/etc.)
地理 美国 Měiguó United States
世界 shìjiè world
伦敦 Lúndūn London
中国 Zhōngguó China
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
海外 hǎiwài overseas; abroad
政治 政府 zhèngfǔ government
措施 cuòshī n. measure; step M:项
游说 yóushuì v. go lobbying
世贸 Shìmào ab. Shìjiè Màoyì Zǔzhī WTO
美元 Měiyuán n. U.S. dollar
商业 经济 jīngjì n. economy
贸易 màoyì n. trade
经济危机 jīngjì wēijī n. economic crisis
利润 lìrùn n. profit
生产 shēngchǎn v. produce; manufacture
收入 shōurù n. income
推出 tuīchū r.v. present to the public/launch
影视 盗版 dàobǎn n. pirated edition
电影制片厂 diànyǐng zhìpiànchǎng movie studio
电影业 diànyǐngyè n. film/movie industry
放映 fàngyìng v.o. show; project (a film)
好莱坞 Hǎoláiwù p.w. Hollywood
票房 piàofáng n. booking/box office
上映 shàngyìng v. show a film
首映式 shǒuyìngshì n. premiere (of a film) M:场
影视 yǐng-shì n. movies and television

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December 10, 2008, 12:40 PM

The most important word in this article is "游说" (you2 shui4, go lobbying). Even "说" is a multi-reading character (多音字)! In Japanese, for example, “说明” is pronounced "setsu-mei", but “游说” is "yuu-zei", which reflects the difference in Chinese.

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December 10, 2008, 02:22 PM

this 多音字 was covered in the phonetic map for 兑 dui

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December 12, 2008, 03:34 PM

I have some problems with understanding the following sentence 北京当局只允许不到20部在中国放映,这无疑给贩卖"禁演影片"的盗版黑市创造了更多的机会。

Could anyone give me a small translation in English?


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December 13, 2008, 03:17 AM

Hi duncan,

Less than 20 films are allowed to be released by Beijing authorities, which definitely give black market sellers a lot more opportunities to make money.

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December 15, 2008, 11:48 AM

I guess next news will be about 马多夫(Bernard Madoff) becoming ... 关疯夫   ;o)

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December 16, 2008, 06:25 AM

just to make kimiik's 预言 (yùyán) prophecy come true, yes, I will do this later today.

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December 16, 2008, 12:19 PM

Thank you yves,

For the sake of everyone here, I also guess we'll have a Cpod lesson about the Ponzi scheme (庞兹骗局), the Nigerian scam (尼日利亚骗局) ... and some typical chinese 骗局 flying around.