phonetic map : 差 cha

December 24, 2008, 05:45 PM posted in General Discussion

@ 差

* chā difference
差别 chābié difference; contrast
差异 chāyì difference; divergence
chà inferior; poor; wrong(ly) / to lack
差不多 chàbuduō about; almost equal / good enough
差不离 chàbulí almost; about; not bad
差点 chàdiǎn almost / not quite good enough
chá raft
乘槎 chéngchá to ride on a raft and reach the Milky Way
* chāi to send; dispatch
差事 chāishi errand; assignment; job
出差 chūchāi to be on a business trip
差派 chāipài to dispatch/appoint (sb.)
* rank
差等 cīděng classification; classes
参差 cēncī uneven; irregular / disparity
cuō to rub with the hand
搓火 cuōhuǒ to get angry; feel impatient; be pissed off
搓碎 cuōsuì to rub into powder/bits
* cuō to stumble
磋跌 cuōdiē failure; slip; mistake (variant of 磋跌)
cuō to discuss; consider
磋商 cuōshāng to consult; exchange views
切磋 qiēcuō to learn from group discussion
cuō .
蹉跎 cuōtuó to slip and fall; miss a chance
cuó .
嵯峨 cuó'é towering (mountains)
cuó salt(y)
鹾使 cuóshǐ salt commissioner (清代 Qing)
jiē sigh
嗟悔 jiēhuǐ to lament
咨嗟 zījiē to heave a sigh; gasp in admiration
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December 25, 2008, 07:06 AM

Let me allow to add one of my favorite Chinese words, 搓澡 (cuo1 zao3), skin-scrubbing

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December 25, 2008, 10:43 PM

Ah, Goulniky, this brings back memories! I found an interesting linguistic article a year ago about the extensive and unique usage of 差 in the 湖北罗田 area. This is the abstact and URL:


I did manage to download it, if anyone is interested. My good friend, who happens to be from this area, said that the use of 差 in his hometown is not at all the same as the 差 used in standard Mandarin, but the character 差 is used to represent the sound.

Anyway, not useful information for most Poddies, but might be interesting to some of my fellow rabid linguists.

Merry Christmas to those of you in parts of the world where it is still Dec 25th!