January 06, 2009, 11:41 AM posted in General Discussion下面的发言记录来自本地朋友,请同学们慢慢看。当时赵紫阳发言后失踪在于社会里的老百姓。
游泳的青蛙 2009-01-06 14:32:52
赵 紫 阳 诚挚地说:“你们还年轻,来日方长,你们应该健康地活着,看到我们中国实现四化的那一天。你们不像我们,我们已经老了,无所谓了。国家和你们的父母培养你们上大学不容易呀!现在十几、二十几岁,就这样把生命牺牲掉哇H同学们能不能稍微理智地想一想。现在的情况已经非常严重,你们都知道,党和国家非常着急,整个社会都忧心如焚。另外,北京是首都,各方面情况一天天严重,这种情况不能再继续下去了,同学们都是好意,为了我们国家好,但是这种情况发展下去,失去控制,会造成各方面的严重影响。”
赵 紫 阳强调:“总之,我就是这么一个心意。如果你们停止绝食,政府不会因此把对话的门关起来,绝不会!你们所提的问题,我们可以继续讨论。慢是慢了一些,但一些问题的认识正在逐步接近。我今天主要是看望一下同学们,同时说一说我们的心情,希望同学们冷静地想一想这个问题。这件事情在不理智的情况下,是很难想清楚的。大家都这么一股劲,年轻人么,我们都是从年轻人过来的,我们也游过行,卧过轨,当时根本不想以后怎么样。最后, 我再次恳请同学们冷静地想一想今后的事。有很多事情总是可以解决的。希望你们早些结束绝食,谢谢同学们。”
说到这里,赵 紫 阳向在广场的学生们鞠躬,学生们热烈鼓掌,一些学生哭了。赵 紫 阳讲话结束后,广场上的学生纷纷请赵 紫 阳签字。这是赵 紫 阳离开政坛前的最后一次向公众亮相。
January 06, 2009, 12:35 PMI would have to agree with Changye's conclusion. Still, thanks for the "unadulterated" news.
January 06, 2009, 01:49 PMthe above are his exact words. my friend found them on the web. must have been an obscure or well hidden site. still, one may ponder what may have eventuated had he had the numbers to retain his position.
January 06, 2009, 03:21 PMmiantiao, actually for all the talk of health protection and such, there is lots of "sensitive" stuff available within the PRC. For example, there was a story posted in the News Group here re: Tibet last year that created a problem. Also, there was a fairly nationalistic video last year that also criticized the Beijing government; its presence resulted in some foreign sites being blocked. However, the video is still on 土豆。 Go figure.
January 06, 2009, 12:24 PMThis thread is much more politically sensitive than goulniky's latest news thread "Health protection software". Anyway, thanks a lot for something really worth reading. I'm not sure if Chinesepod would delete this thread, but if I were them, I would do so for the sake of the safety of this website. Big Brother might find this, haha.