Chinese PM doesn't get the boot

February 03, 2009, 12:42 PM posted in General Discussion

发表日期 02/02/2009





















温家宝剑桥大学遭示威者扔鞋 剑桥大学 Jiànqiáo Dàxué . Cambridge University
示威者 shìwēizhě n. demonstrators
rēng v. throw; toss
xié n. shoes
中国总理温家宝昨天在英国剑桥大学发表演讲时,有一名抗议者向他扔鞋,但是没有打中温家宝 演讲 yǎnjiǎng n./v. lecture; make a speech
抗议者 kàngyìzhě protester
打中 dǎzhòng r.v. hit (the target)
这名抗议者是个西方年轻人,身穿圆领衫。他同时说:这位独裁者,你们怎么听得下去他说的谎言?他还说,这所大学怎么能向这名独裁者出卖自己? 身穿 shēnchuān v. wear
圆领 yuánlǐng n. round collar
谎言 huǎngyán n. lie
出卖 chūmài v. sell out; betray
这只鞋落在距离温家宝1公尺的地方。 落在 luòzài v.p. fall to
距离 jùlí v. be apart/away from
公尺 gōngchǐ m. meter
负责安全官员登上讲台,将运动鞋踢开,1名中共官员将鞋提走。 负责 fùzé v. be responsible for; be in charge of
登上 dēngshàng r.v. climb over; step on; mount; ascend
踢开 tīkāi r.v. kick off/aside/away
这名抗议者还吹哨子,并在被押走时说,大家站起来抗议吧,但听众反驳道,你真丢脸,你真丢脸。 吹哨子 chuī shàozi v.o. blow the whistle
yā v. detain; escort
抗议 kàngyì v./n. protest
反驳 fǎnbó v. refute; retort; negate
剑桥地区警方发言人后来告诉媒体扔鞋者已经被带走。学校安全方面负责人指出,此人被带走时没有抵抗。一名监管人对法新社记者说,此人先站起来抗议,保安人员请他坐下并闭嘴,这人才开始脱鞋向讲台扔去。 带走 dàizǒu r.v. take/bring away
抵抗 dǐkàng v. resist
监管 jiānguǎn v. keep watch on; take charge of
保安人员 bǎo'ān rényuán n. security personnel
闭嘴 bìzuǐ v.o. shut up
脱鞋 tuōxié v.o. take off the shoes
剑桥发言人表示发生此事件感到非常遗憾,但没有透露扔鞋者的身份 遗憾 yíhàn s.v./n. regret; pity
身份 shēnfen n. identity; status
温家宝在恢复演讲后说:这种行为是卑劣的行为无法阻挠中国英国的友谊。历史证明武力阻挡不了和平,我请求大家继续听我演讲。听众随即响起掌声,这些听众多半是中国留学生。 恢复 huīfù v. resume; renew
卑劣 bēiliè s.v. base; mean; despicable
无法 wúfǎ v.o. unable to; cannot
阻挠 zǔnáo v. obstruct; thwart; prevent
阻挡 zǔdǎng v. stop; resist; obstruct
继续 jìxù v./adv. go on
掌声 zhǎngshēng n. clapping; applause
这一风波使人联想起12月14日发生巴格达的“扔鞋子事件”,当时的美国总统布什正在与伊拉克总理马利基举行新闻发布会,一名伊拉克记者突然愤怒地咒骂布什,然后脱下皮鞋扔向布什布什左右躲避,才没有击中。布什事后遭追问时只是一笑了之。 风波 fēngbō n. incidence; crisis
联想起 liánxiǎng qǐ r.v. associate; think of
愤怒 fènnù s.v. indignant; angry
咒骂 zhòumà v. curse; abuse; revile
脱下 tuōxià r.v. take off (clothes/etc.)
躲避 duǒbì v. elude; dodge
击中 jīzhòng r.v. hit the point/target
一笑了之 yīxiàoliǎozhī f.e. laugh away
温家宝结束欧洲之旅呼吁同舟共济 呼吁 hūyù v. appeal; call on; plead for
同舟共济 tóngzhōugòngjì f.e. people in the same boat help each other
中国总理温家宝昨天结束了欧洲之行最后一站,对伦敦访问 结束 jiéshù v. end; conclude; close
温家宝在同英国首相布朗会谈后对记者表示:这场金融危机是全球性的,没有任何一个国家可以置身度外和独善其身,我们都坐在一只船上,必须同舟共济,共同克服困难。 会谈 huìtán v./n. talks; conversation
金融危机 jīnróng wēijī financial crisis
全球性 quánqiúxìng attr. global; worldwide
置身度外 zhìshēndùwài f.e. be indifferent
独善其身dúshànqíshēn f.e. shut oneself up in an ivory tower
克服 kèfú v. put up with (hardship/etc.)
温家宝认为已经看到隧道尽头的曙光。温家宝指出,只有信心、合作和责任才能够拯救世界 隧道 suìdào n. tunnel
尽头 jìntóu n. end; extremity
曙光 shǔguāng n. glimmer of hope
拯救 zhěngjiù v. save; rescue
温家宝说,中国如果能够维持经济成长,就是在经济危机中对全世界做出的最大贡献。 维持 wéichí v. keep; preserve
经济成长 jīngjì chéngzhǎng economic growth
贡献 gòngxiàn n. contribution
温家宝再一次公开反对贸易保护主义,宣布将筹组采购团到欧洲采购,并呼吁各国加强合作,解决金融危机问题。 贸易保护主义 màoyì bǎohùzhǔyì n. trade protectionism
筹组 chóuzǔ v. plan to organize
加强 jiāqiáng v. strengthen; augment; reinforce
布朗表示,去年11月中国政府宣布的4万亿人民币经济振兴方案,将为英国外销出口到中国创造很多机会, 万亿 wànyì num. trillion
振兴 zhènxīng v. develop vigorously; promote
方案 fāng'àn n. scheme; plan; program
外销 wàixiāo v. sell abroad
创造 chuàngzào v. create; produce
布朗宣布一项协助英国企业将产品行销到中国的两年计划,他计划未来18个月英国外销出口到中国的金额加倍增长,从2008年的50亿美元,提高到2010年的100亿美元 协助 xiézhù n./v. assist; help
行销 xíngxiāo v. be on sale; sell
金额 jīn'é n. amount/sum of money
加倍 jiābèi v.o./adv. double
致词时布朗用中文说了“恭喜发财”祝贺温家宝春节快乐,标准的中文发音,获得热烈掌声。 致词 zhìcí v.o. make a speech
恭喜发财 gōngxǐfācái f.e. May you be happy and prosperous
标准 biāozhǔn s.v. standard
热烈 rèliè s.v. ardent; enthusiastic
布朗昨天还表示,在与中国总理温家宝会晤时,提到了人权问题和西藏问题。 会晤 huìwù v. meet
人权问题 rénquán wèntí n. the issue of human rights
新闻 表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
发表 fābiǎo v. publish; issue
发生 fāshēng v. happen
发言人 fāyánrén n. spokesperson
访问 fǎngwèn v. visit
告诉 gàosu v. tell; inform
官员 guānyuán n. official
记者 jìzhě n. (news) reporter; correspondent
媒体 méitǐ n. media
透露 tòulù v. reveal
宣布 xuānbù v. declare; proclaim; announce
指出 zhǐchū r.v. point out (that)
举行 jǔxíng v. hold (a meeting/etc.)
法新社 Fǎxīnshè AFP
新闻发布会 xīnwén fābùhuì news conference
地理 美国 Měiguó United States
英国 Yīngguó Britain; England
世界 shìjiè world
欧洲 Ōuzhōu Europe
伦敦 Lúndūn London
巴格达 Bāgédá Baghdad
伊拉克 Yīlākè Iraq
西方 xīfāng ①the west ②the West
中国 Zhōngguó China
西藏 Xīzàng Tibet
政治 布朗 Bùlǎng Brown
布什 Bùshí Bush
温家宝 Wēn Jiābǎo
独裁者 dúcáizhě n. dictator
警方 jǐngfāng n. the police
首相 shǒuxiàng n. prime minister
武力 wǔlì n. armed force
政府 zhèngfǔ government
总理 zǒnglǐ n. premier; prime minister
总统 zǒngtǒng n. president
中共 Zhōng-Gòng n. Chinese Communist Party
美元 Měiyuán n. U.S. dollar
人民币 rénmínbì n. RMB (PRC currency)
商业 采购 cǎigòu v. choose and purchase
经济 jīngjì n. economy
金融 jīnróng n. finance; banking
经济危机 jīngjì wēijī n. economic crisis
贸易 màoyì n. trade
企业 qǐyè n. enterprise; business

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February 03, 2009, 12:45 PM


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February 03, 2009, 01:39 PM

Fair and clever title ! Bravo !

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February 03, 2009, 02:07 PM

What a disgrace this guy is.  I guess he didn't realize that shoe-throwing in England doesn't have the same symbolism it has in Iraq.  In England, it symbolizes that the shoe thrower is a moron.

It's a disgrace to the reputation of Cambridge, such an old and distinguished university.

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February 03, 2009, 03:40 PM

Calkins, places like Cambridge tend to have students that disgrace themselves on a regular basis. Not sure if he was actually a student though.

I hear it's not been reported much in the Chinese media.

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February 03, 2009, 03:47 PM


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February 03, 2009, 03:59 PM



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February 03, 2009, 04:38 PM

Ah cassie, ok. I had read in a newspaper article today that not many media outlets had reported it. Seems odd, it must have gone to press before it was shown on CCTV.

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February 03, 2009, 05:18 PM

I read some hilarious news articles about "shoe-throwing" soon after the first historical incident in Iraq.

Some teachers and students at a junior high school in China did a scientific experiment of shoe-throwing to find the effective way to hit a target and dodge a shoe.

I'm sure the Chinese prime minister read the official report on the experiment before he left China.

有备无患 Be prepared and have no regrets.


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February 04, 2009, 05:20 AM
