吊灯 diàodēng

February 04, 2009, 10:40 AM posted in General Discussion

Photo by Mustafa Ozer - Click to view larger



T : 吊燈


S : 吊灯



Example Sentence

T 漂亮的吊燈如花般綻放,帶來優美時尚的生活享受。

S 漂亮的吊灯如花般绽放,带来优美时尚的生活享受。

piàoliang de diàodēng rúhuā bān zhàn fàng ,dàilái yōuměi shíshàng de shēnghuó xiǎngshòu.

Like a flower in bloom, the beautiful chandelier brings about an elegant style that aids in the enjoyment of life.


Lessons Related to 吊灯 diàodēng:


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February 04, 2009, 11:46 AM


吊。。to suspend or hang up [can also be applied to hang a person...wonder if it also applies to the game hangman...would that be 吊人 or  吊男 ? ].Fourth tone seems very appropriate for this character.

灯...lamp or light

The photo is quite different from what I usually think of when I think of a chandelier,but I like different,especially Chinese version of different.Looks really cool.Is this a typical example of a Chinese chandelier?

btw Calkins,your example sentence made me laugh.Sounds like some Chinese advertising.I love their appreciation of the aesthetic.

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February 04, 2009, 12:02 PM

Hi bababardwan!  I also loved the example sentence when I found it.  I think my translation is fairly accurate, but it's interesting that a chandelier could be so beautiful that it could have such an "enriching impact on someone's life." 

I'm not sure where this photo was taken, but I don't think it was China.  When I first saw the photo, I thought they were lanterns that had to do with next week's Lantern Festival.  Though I think there are some chandeliers in there, most of them look like pendant fixtures.  I'd be interested to know if 吊灯 is use more often for "chandelier" or "pendant".  My guess is "pendant", simply because they are used more often, but wouldn't mind hearing from a Chinese person...or having this word changyefied!

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February 04, 2009, 04:13 PM

When I first saw the photo, I thought they were lanterns that had to do with next week's Lantern Festival.

I agree with you Brent! I thought it is灯笼 when i saw the picture.

Regarding to "chandelier" and "pendant", I really don't have any idea.

About “吊灯”,the image show up looks like

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February 04, 2009, 07:07 PM


Do you remember your picture about 头饰 (here) ?

I think you can re-use 饰 and form 灯饰 (decorative lantern, decorative lamp or any decoration with light).

灯饰 may cover either your picture with the lanterns and a chandelier.

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February 05, 2009, 02:22 AM

Both a chandeliear and pendant lamp are "吊灯" in Chinese. There is also a descriptive word "枝形吊灯" for a chandeliear, but I don't think it's frequently used. Native speakers would just say "吊灯" in conversation.

In passing, "a crane" (not a bird, but a machine) is "吊车", and "hang oneself" is "吊死" in Mandarin. There is no exact Chinese translation for "a hangman". Maybe it's 死刑执行官 or something like that.

Incidentally, the PRC basically adopts execution by shooting. Recently, "injection" is sometimes used too.

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February 05, 2009, 10:34 AM

Speaking of ceiling light / hanging lamp (吊灯), I checked my dictionary and saw the strange metaphor 云幂灯 (the lamp of the cloud ceiling).

This word sounds quite nice but is it really possible to use 云幂灯 in a normal conversation ?

Also I guess 云幂灯 is only used for white ceiling with some height.

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February 12, 2009, 01:44 PM

China's Lantern Festival, and an unfortunate ending (Pictures here)

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February 12, 2009, 01:52 PM

Those photos are amazing kimiik!  Great find, thanks for sharing.

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February 13, 2009, 12:27 AM

kimiik ,

Thanks for posting the link to those awesome photos.Looks like an exciting time to visit China.