Imperial heads pending in Paris

February 23, 2009, 06:56 AM posted in General Discussion

2009年02月21日   英文















法国"周一决定"圆明园命运 圆明园 Yuánmíngyuán Imperial Palace
命运 mìngyùn n. destiny; fate; lot
首的拍卖估价均为800至1000万欧元 shǔ b.f. mouse; rat
tù n. rabbit; hare
拍卖 pāimài v./n. auction
法国媒体报道法官可能在周一(22日)上午拍卖开始前几小时决定两个圆明园青铜头能否合法拍卖。 青铜 qīngtóng n. bronze
shòu b.f. beast; wild animal
合法 héfǎ s.v. lawful; legitimate
此前,中国律师法国法庭提出要求,试图制止这两件19世纪中国走的青铜文物的拍卖。 试图 shìtú v. attempt; try
制止 zhìzhǐ v. curb; prevent; stop
世纪 shìjì n. century
lüè b.f. take by force; plunder
文物 wénwù n. cultural/historical objects/relics
这两件青铜制品是一个雕塑和一个雕塑。下周一这些文物将在巴黎作为法国已故时装设计师圣罗兰藏品的一部分被拍卖。 雕塑 diāosù v./n. sculpture
已故 yǐgù v.p. deceased; late
时装设计师 shízhuāng shèjìshī n. fashion designer
圣罗兰 Shèngluólán Saint-Laurent
藏品 cángpǐn n. preservation of objects M:件
本周末,大批艺术爱好者投资人聚集巴黎观看这批藏品的拍卖预览会。 爱好者 àihàozhě n. lover
聚集 jùjí v. gather; assemble
观看 guānkàn v. watch; view
圣罗兰生前热衷收藏艺术品。他的藏品中包括毕加索马蒂斯油画,还有文艺复兴时期的珠宝等。 热衷 rèzhōng v. be fond of
收藏 shōucáng v. collect; store up
毕加索 Bìjiāsuǒ Picasso
马蒂斯 Mǎdìsī Matisse
油画 yóuhuà n. oil painting M:幅
文艺复兴 Wényì Fùxīng n. Renaissance
珠宝 zhūbǎo n. jewelry M:件
负责此次拍卖的克里斯蒂拍卖行尚未就此事发表看法。据估计,这两个雕塑售价将分别高达1,000万欧元 负责 fùzé v. be in charge of
克里斯蒂 Kèlǐsǐdì Christie
拍卖行 pāimàiháng n. auction house M:家
尚未 shàngwèi v.p. not yet
估计 gūjì v. estimate; appraise
等待判决 判决 pànjué n./v. court decision
中国律师周四向巴黎法院递交申请律师刘洋说:"希望法院颁发强制令、阻止拍卖,我们期待法院答复。" 递交 dìjiāo v. deliver; hand over
申请 shēnqǐng n./v. present a petition to
颁发 bānfā v. ①issue; promulgate ②award
强制 qiángzhì v. force; compel
阻止 zǔzhǐ v. prevent; stop; prohibit
答复 dáfù v. answer; reply
此前,中国外交部也曾表示,这两件在150年前被侵略者抢走文物,应该归还中国 被侵略者 bèiqīnlüèzhě n. victim of aggression
抢走 qiǎngzǒu r.v. take away by force
归还 guīhuán v. return; revert
中国媒体报道说,这两件雕塑在1860年第二次鸦片战争中英法联军北京西北郊的圆明园抢掠走的。 鸦片战争 Yāpiàn Zhànzhēng n. Opium War
联军 liánjūn n. allied forces
抢掠 qiǎnglüè v. loot; sack; plunder
报道还说,这是属于清朝初期的两件文物克里斯蒂拍卖行指南说,这些文物圆明园水法的12件生肖青铜首当中的两个。 属于 shǔyú v. belong to; be part of
初期 chūqī n. initial stage; early days
指南 zhǐnán n. guide; guidebook
水法 shuǐfǎ n. ornamental fountain
生肖 shēngxiào n. 12 animals symbolic of the Terrestrial Branches
目前中国已经追回了12件生肖青铜头当中的五个。 追回 zhuīhuí r.v. recover; retrieve
新闻 报道 bàodào v./n. report (news)
表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
发表 fābiǎo v. publish; issue
媒体 méitǐ n. media
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
地理 法国 Fǎguó France
巴黎 Bālí Paris
中国 Zhōngguó China
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
政治 欧元 Ōuyuán n. Euro
清朝 Qīngcháo n. Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
外交部 Wàijiāobù Foreign Ministry
法律 法官 fǎguān n. judge
法庭 fǎtíng court; tribunal
法院 fǎyuàn court of justice
律师 lǜshī n. lawyer; attorney
商业 估价 gūjià n. appraised price
售价 shòujià n. selling price
投资人 tóuzīrén n. investor

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February 23, 2009, 07:55 AM


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February 26, 2009, 04:26 PM

more comments on this : 英文 or 中文

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February 23, 2009, 08:37 AM

Hi kimiik

I think that 追回 is more appropriate than 回购 in this case.

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February 23, 2009, 08:45 AM


Do you mean that 追回 is more polically correct or does it also convey the idea of financial transaction ?

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February 23, 2009, 09:02 AM

Hi kmiik

Sorry, on second thought, in this case, 回购/购回 are also OK because the five heads have been bought back to China. As for 追回,I guess this word more precisely/vividly represents the intention and feeling of Chinese people. In short, they want to 追回 these things, but actually they are not so willing to 回购 by paying money.

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February 23, 2009, 11:51 AM


here‘s what the local press are saying;


中国追索兽首文物遭敲诈 持有人要求达赖回西藏 2009022307:12 环球时报 














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February 23, 2009, 01:18 PM

Hi miantiao


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February 24, 2009, 12:42 AM


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February 24, 2009, 04:55 AM

changye, 算了。我准备扔鞋子,而且也叫我的法式棍子面包, “自由面包!”

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February 24, 2009, 06:37 AM


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February 23, 2009, 08:19 AM




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February 24, 2009, 01:41 PM

They are in fact part of some kind of Italian water sprinkler. How ironic !

"The heads have become the poster children in the Chinese campaign to recover the treasures that symbolized its past grandeur.

Crafted by an Italian priest in the 18th century (Jesuit priest Giuseppe Castiglione), they were part of a clock fountain that was said to be a favorite of the emperor. They each sprayed water two hours a day and in unison at noon.",0,936006.story

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February 25, 2009, 01:42 AM

The issue raises lots of interesting questions.  Do the French have to return their various foreign collections (e.g. Egyptian) from the Louve as they did after Waterloo? What qualifies as an antiquity?  Does the Chinese government have title to anything ever made in China?  Do private Chinese collectors have to turn in their pieces?  How about private overseas Chinese collectors?  That don't speak Chinese?  What about the National Palace Museum?

Maybe I was too quick to draw my shoe.  Plus, it would have to be one hell of an expensive shoe to meet the initial bid.

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February 25, 2009, 02:59 PM


That's funny to see this newly crafted heads from the end of the 18 century called "relics" (陈迹) in the chinese media. Americanization ?

see: "Irrational logic on relics" in the China Daily

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February 25, 2009, 03:24 PM

On the cardboards:

文物 cultural thing (more accurate than the word "relic")
赃物 stolen thing (like in 栽赃诬害)

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February 25, 2009, 04:21 PM

they're right, these are cultural artifacts of high symbolic, if not historic significance.

but at least they did survive 文化大革命 and other troubled times...

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February 25, 2009, 07:40 PM

Chinese "symbolic cultural artifacts" have now a price :

Price Realized €15,745,000

Price Realized €15,745,000

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February 25, 2009, 08:43 PM

Kimik, I don't think we have any relics here in America.  If we ever do though, I call it Sinicization!

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February 26, 2009, 08:19 AM

The PRC government is very clever. They let domestic media freely instigate people, but at the same time, wisely enough, the Chinese authorities don't openly criticize French government, because they clearly know it's merely a problem of French law. Chinese leaders themselves often rebut foreign countries' contentions by saying, "This issue has appropriately settled under our domestic laws", which just means "none of your business".

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February 24, 2009, 06:44 AM
