February 24, 2009, 01:07 PM posted in General Discussionthis website is amazing. write to me people ;) x
February 27, 2009, 03:45 AMpchenery,
Thanks mate for pointing out that trap for young players.Otherwise I could easily have unwittingly commented on someone recovering from illness that they now looked hao se.I note that the hao in the hao se you're referring to is 4th tone,so extra reason to practice those tones and get it right on this one.[I presume hao3 se4 is ok to express good colour]
February 27, 2009, 05:23 AMyou are correct !
hao4se4 = horny
hao3se4 = good colour
And so after your friend recovers from an illness, you can say:
ni lian bian de hao3se4, xianzai kending hao4se4
February 27, 2009, 05:28 AMHi all
A few more euphemistic ways to express the idea are
饥渴 and 叫春.
There are some cats outside our apartment who "call for the spring" every night.
February 27, 2009, 06:18 AMPete,
thanks for teaching me those new words. The Google picture search pretty much confirmed their correctness and broad usage (e.g 叫春照片)
February 27, 2009, 06:34 AMHi henning,
I'm sure whatever you found was very NSFW (Not safe for work ;-)
I really admire the earthiness of Chinese. It is a kind of hunger. And animals, at least, certainly feel it the most during the spring time.
Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote
In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.
And yes, I cited him not only because it's appropriate but because I get a kick out of typing the comma in his name ;-)
February 27, 2009, 09:50 AMPete, pchenery,
thanks for the colorful language lesson. You got to love Chinese. And I know just how those cats feel. The winter that comes between each spring can be far too long at times.
February 27, 2009, 10:18 AMI'm loving some of the latest avatars on Cpod. Check out what happens when you put the newest user's avatar above hornybethie's avatar. 超棒!
February 27, 2009, 11:05 AMChangye
Its amazing how these words I will never forget. If only I could remember all vocabulary as easily. :-) Context is King.
February 27, 2009, 06:08 PMChangye,
I wish all non-medical terms for "the third point" in English were as clever. All ours seem so childish. I'm half-seriously considering teaching my girlfriends how to say 第三点 just to see if it'll catch on.
February 27, 2009, 06:41 PMChangye,
第三点 seems to be used for men as well. Here, I didn't ask what were 第一点 and 第二点 but I can guess. ;o)
February 28, 2009, 08:20 AM我有点好奇她穿不穿着 丁字裤!身材很性感,使我这个色狼流口水。要么她肯定是个 女色狼,要么他就是个普通骗子。谁敢试一下?
btw,horny 也可以说 兴奋。宝贝,外头冷吗? 还是你看到我就兴奋起来?
真好笑啊!可能比他真的样子还好看。从后面看起来辣妹,但是走过向她转头照望就发现是 挂羊头卖狗肉。
February 28, 2009, 10:49 PM叫春 is a delightful expression, but I can't seem to find it in the dictionary. My wife (who I naturally turn to for advice in these matters) tells me it refers specifically to the vocalizations and ululations emitted during sexual congress, and thus more generally to 'country matters'.
Another related (?) expression I did find in MDBG is 卖春 (= prostitution), a pleasanter euphemism for the 'oldest trade' I think I never heard, and I will now never be able to view placards announcing 'Spring Sales' without a secret smile.
March 01, 2009, 03:25 AMHi reigau
Here is another 春 related word, "回春", which primarily means "recuperate, remedy" in Chinese. Interestingly, this word is usually used in the sense of "sexual rejuvenation" in Japanese, and I guess Chinese people also sometimes use it in the same way.
卖淫 (mai4yin2) is more commonly used in China than 卖春 is, while 卖春 is often used to mean "prostitution" in Japan. A "business" dealing is called "买卖" in Chinese, so, of course, there are also words like "买春" and "买淫" (but not in dictionaries).
March 01, 2009, 05:06 AMHi reigau
You're right, this word won't appear in most dictionaries. But it does refer to randiness.
The sound(s) that your wife is referring to is 叫床, similar sounding and equally vivid ;-)
March 01, 2009, 09:46 AMExcellent, thank you gentlemen. I am impressed by your knowledge of, (and familiarity with) this vocabulary. As you say, you can't learn this stuff from the dictionary!
Perhaps what we need is a spicy CPod lesson, one that sails a little close to the wind and gives us a few laughs maybe? It might even tempt hornybethie out of hiding. ;-)
February 27, 2009, 10:40 AMI can't resist joining your discussion.
bikini 比基尼 (bi3ji1ni2),三点式泳衣 (yong3yi1)
Additionally, the word 三点 (three points) sometimes has a very "profound" meaning. You can see all the 三点 in the avator of homybethie. Incidentally, the most "important" one among them is called 第三点. I'm sure that Chinesepod never teaches you these words, haha.
February 26, 2009, 11:33 PM:)