Behind the fiery curtain

February 28, 2009, 08:06 AM posted in General Discussion

发表日期 28/02/2009



路透社从北京发回的消息说,这位藏族僧人来自四川西部藏区的基尔提佛教寺院;他当天携带一面西藏雪山狮子旗和一幅达赖喇嘛的肖像,前去参加藏历新年 祈祷活动。在参加新年活动中,这名藏族僧人点火自焚,但立刻遭到警方干预。这是继北京发生三名新疆维吾尔居民上北京,在长安街闹市区自焚之后,又在四川藏 区发生的藏族僧人自焚事件。

自由西藏协会一名发言人向路透社证实了以上消息。他们说,这是90年代末以来,第一次有藏族僧人自焚。据他们说,昨天那名藏族僧人自焚时,一些武装 警察立刻冲过来包围自焚者,有人听见现场三声枪响,藏族僧人倒在地上,随后被武装警察抬进警车带走;这位藏族僧人是死是活,目前不清楚。


四川藏区发生藏族僧人自焚事件 僧人 sēngrén n. Buddhist monk
自焚 zìfén v. incinerate oneself (lit./fig.)
就在藏人庆祝藏历新年之际,与西藏自治区交界四川省藏区有一名藏族僧人在周五藏人节日活动中自焚,但他立刻被武装警察带走。 庆祝 qìngzhù v. celebrate
藏历 Zànglì n. Tibetan lunar calendar
交界 jiāojiè v.o. have a common boundary
武装 wǔzhuāng attr. armed
路透社北京发回的消息说,这位藏族僧人来自四川西部藏区的基尔提佛教寺院;他当天携带一面西藏雪山狮子和一幅达赖喇嘛的肖像,前去参加藏历新年祈祷活动。在参加新年活动中,这名藏族僧人点火自焚,但立刻遭到警方干预。这是继北京发生三名新疆维吾尔居民上北京,在长安街闹市自焚之后,又在四川藏区发生藏族僧人自焚事件。 携带 xiédài v. carry; take along
雪山 xuěshān snow-capped mountain M:座
狮子 shīzi n. lion
qí n. banner; emblem
祈祷 qídǎo v. pray
点火 diǎnhuǒ v.o. light a fire; ignite
干预 gānyù v. intervene; interfere
闹市 nàoshì shopping district; downtown area
自由西藏协会一名发言人路透社证实了以上消息。他们说,这是90年代末以来,第一次有藏族僧人自焚。据他们说,昨天那名藏族僧人自焚时,一些武装警察立刻冲过包围自焚者,有人听见现场三声响,藏族僧人倒在地上,随后武装警察抬进警车带走;这位藏族僧人是死是活,目前不清楚。 协会 xiéhuì n. association; society
证实 zhèngshí v. confirm; verify
冲过 chōngguò r.v. run/break through
包围 bāowéi v. surround; encircle
qiāng n. rifle; gun
路透社当天电话联系当地藏区的三个人,都没有得到这一消息证实四川藏区一年前曾经是藏人和当局发生暴力冲突的地区,尤其是基尔提寺庙藏族僧人,当时曾发起声援拉三月萨抗议运动的示威,遭到当局的严厉镇压 暴力 bàolì n. violence; force
冲突 chōngtū v./n. conflict; clash
声援 shēngyuán v. give support to
抗议 kàngyì v./n. protest
示威 shìwēi n. demonstration
镇压 zhènyā v. suppress; repress; put down
新闻 随后 suíhòu adv. soon afterward
当局 dāngjú n. authorities
发生 fāshēng v. happen
发言人 fāyánrén n. spokesperson
消息 xiāoxi n. news; information
证实 zhèngshí v. confirm
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
路透社 Lùtòushè n. Reuter's News Agency
地理 西部 xībù western part
西藏 Xīzàng Tibet
青海 Qīnghǎi Qinghai province
四川 Sìchuān Sichuan province
新疆 Xīnjiāng Xinjiang
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
防卫 警方 jǐngfāng n. the police
警察 jǐngchá n. policeman
政治 自治区 zìzhìqū autonomous region
达赖喇嘛 Dálài Lǎma n. the Dalai Lama
藏族 Zàngzú n. Tibetan ethnic minority
宗教 佛教 Fójiào n. Buddhism
僧人 sēngrén n. Buddhist monk
寺庙 sìmiào temple M:座
寺院 sìyuàn temple; monastery M:座

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February 28, 2009, 08:29 AM


good post。我居住成都却还没听说这件事,我马上要查询本地媒体看有没有报告。


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March 03, 2009, 05:26 AM

Religious wars/protests are often proxies for other causes.  This protest was no different.  I also remain unconvinced that Buddhism is any less violent or political than most other religions.  It has a long history of bloody wars and political involvement throughout East and Southeast Asia. 

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February 28, 2009, 09:46 AM

Hi miantiao


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February 28, 2009, 06:06 PM



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March 02, 2009, 09:17 AM

佛教有一个概念叫做“舍身”。佛教徒为了众生而不惜牺牲一切,包括自己的生命。 我不知释迦牟尼是否赞同“自焚”这种做法,但是最起码比伊斯兰自杀式爆炸袭击强多了!

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March 02, 2009, 09:22 AM


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March 02, 2009, 09:59 AM


西方的传教士,例如利玛窦 matteo ricci,缅甸的反政府积极分子,甚至梵蒂冈以前都在政治方面留了非常深刻的印象。我相信很多国家都有这种事情。

而且自杀(不包括changye 叔叔所说的爆炸袭击)一向是一种非常有效的宣传方式。不得不承认,为了自己的信念和理论把生命牺牲,而不伤害别人,很吸住人们的注意力。

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March 02, 2009, 10:17 AM


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March 02, 2009, 10:59 AM

什么搞笑啊?这很正常,绝不只是中国佛教特色。上面的一位poddy已经提供了很明显的例子,美越战中的僧人在路上的大众和媒体面前自焚了。印度,泰国,印尼, 其实所有信仰佛教国家在历史上都有例子 (可能除非日本以外。长夜?),佛教徒参政行动算是比较平凡的现象。不怎么搞笑,反而是很勇敢,信仰强、意志强的人才能够做到。

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March 02, 2009, 11:26 AM

Hi miantiao


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February 28, 2009, 08:31 AM


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March 03, 2009, 12:42 AM


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March 03, 2009, 02:28 AM


佛教军队啊!可见所类宗教都曾有过军队。 至于和平组织为争夺优势而采取极端手段!

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March 03, 2009, 02:42 AM

lovveu 说的也许很对。好像宗教和政治本来互不相容。顺便说一句,共产主义对我来讲就是一种“宗教”。大家觉得怎么样?

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March 03, 2009, 02:45 AM


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March 03, 2009, 02:58 AM

Hi Changye,

One big claim I often hear is that unlike the rest of the world, East Asia has never had a religious war. The argument goes that Daoism, Buddhism and so on are tolerant and non-aggressive.

That's largely true. But it completely ignores the biggest religious conflict of at least the twentieth century-- the Cultural Revolution. In a communist, atheist society? Impossible, you say ;-)

Religions are defined by faith, as opposed to reason and inquiry. They demand no proof of their claims. In fact, a demand for proof is often taken as blasphemy or insincerity. Many religions (not all) center on a messiah figure who will cure all the world's wrongs, making the world safe for his followers, and bringing us to an earthly paradise.

The Cultural Revolution had all these traits, and even a holy text for followers to quote. It absolutely crippled China, and destroyed the lives of millions of people.

For all their crying about how the French stole two animal heads from the Summer Palace, Chinese really need to look at their own destruction of artifacts, and more important, people, during those crazy years of civil war.

Religions and religious people deserve respect. And I believe they should have a role in policy making. But when religion becomes state religion, hold onto your hat. Things will get messy.

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March 03, 2009, 03:10 AM

Hi changye

I agree with you that communism is like a religion. But it's a political religion. No matter bad or good, they are doing their business.

But buddhism is absolutely a non political religion according to its sutra.

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March 03, 2009, 03:35 AM

Hi lovveu

Yeah, you are right. Modern buddhism is not nearly as good as its original one (or the ideal world stated in sutras), just like modern communism is a far cry from what Marx and Engels envisioned more than one hundred years ago. In this sense, both current buddhists and communists might be equally impious.

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March 03, 2009, 03:49 AM

Hi changye

I agree with you absolutely. In my opinnion almost all of the communists in china is not real communists.

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March 02, 2009, 01:32 PM

loveeu, 在中国历史上很多革命是宗教的.  例如黄巾之乱 (道教), 红巾起义(佛教), 白莲教(佛教), 回变(回教), 杜文秀起义 (回教),也可能算义和团是佛教的.  而且, 全世界的最大宗教的革命是基督教的: 太平天国.

当然西方人现在信仰宗教的自由, 我也是这样的.  不过看历史上的话,我也懂为什么政府怕这种的抗议.