烧香 shāoxiāng
March 11, 2009, 10:52 AM posted in General Discussion
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T : 燒香
S : 烧香
Example Sentence
T 為紀念西藏起義50周年,一名佛教徒在北京的雍和宮燒香。
S 为纪念西藏起义50周年,一名佛教徒在北京的雍和宫烧香。
Wèi jìniàn Xīzàng qǐyì 50 zhōunián ,yī míng Fójiàotú zài Běijīng de Yōnghé Gōng shāoxiāng.
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Tibet's uprising, a Buddhist burns incense in Beijing's Lama Temple.
Example Sentence
T 不少人想依靠燒香拜佛來消災解難。
S 不少人想依靠烧香拜佛来消灾解难。
Bùshǎo rén xiǎng yīkào shāoxiāng bài Fó lái xiāo zāi jiě nán.
Many people want to relieve their worries and difficulties by burning incense and praying to Buddha.
Lessons Related to 烧香 shāoxiāng:
Intermediate - Free Association
March 11, 2009, 09:42 PM...and how do you call this... "oven on the roof of a Buddhist temple for the purpose of burning incence"... in chinese?
*;) 格桑
March 12, 2009, 06:14 PMthanks changye,
好久不见... i know, havn't posted much lately..the more happy to know you are still here steadily answering my questions when I drop by ;-)
March 11, 2009, 11:30 AMwoo hoo.I didn't know 烧,but knew 香 meant fragrant,so as soon as I saw the flames as the pic was downloading,I knew it was going to be a pic of incence.
烧...to burn [you can see the fire radical on the left]
...to burn something fragrant...to burn incense
interesting pic,btw,looking through the flames...