模特儿 mótèr
March 26, 2009, 02:12 PM posted in General Discussion
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Lessons Related to 模特儿 mótèr:
Newbie - What is your job?
Intermediate - Of Beauty Pageants and Plastic Surgery
Intermediate - Beauty Pageant Registration
Intermediate - Getting to Know the Beauty Pageant Judges
Intermediate - Romance in the Beauty Pageant
Intermediate - Beauty Pageant: It's a Mess
Intermediate - Scandal in the Pageant
Intermediate - Behind the Scenes at the Beauty Pageant
Intermediate - Shanghai Fashion
Qing Wen - The Pretty Podcast
March 27, 2009, 10:03 AMWas the student shot just like 20 years ago?
March 27, 2009, 11:05 AM学生被杀死了吗?不可能, 这根本是传说罢了,又是我们国家被你们洋鬼子欺负,来这里传染谎言又是根据你们对我国并不了解。我国的事你管不找,就管你屁事吧!你可以不要学中文了,咱们走着瞧,我告诉你要小心点,我们快要有航母, 哼哼哼。
March 27, 2009, 11:22 AMChangye,
now that you say it - here is another lesson related to the picture (you see miantiao, no political connotations at all in our arbirary ramblings).
March 27, 2009, 12:33 PMhenning, I never said there was. What i've written above is a rather watered down version of the millions of comment made on chinese blogs everyday in response to any 'sensitive' and doctored news story here. With respect I invite you to check out the blogs sometime and see for yourself.
March 26, 2009, 02:56 PMHere is another related lesson:
Advanced - 中国的时装设计师