模特儿 mótèr

March 26, 2009, 02:12 PM posted in General Discussion

Example Sentence

T 週三在中央美術學院的畢業作品展示會上,一名模特兒身穿學生設計的服裝。這個展示會是在北京舉行的中國時裝週活動的一部分。

S 周三在中央美术学院的毕业作品展示会上,一名模特儿身穿学生设计的服装。这个展示会是在北京举行的中国时装周活动的一部分。

Zhōusān zài Zhōngyāng Měishù Xuéyuàn de bìyè zuòpǐn zhǎnshì huì shàng ,yī míng mótèr shēnchuān xuésheng shèjì de fúzhuāng.  Zhège zhǎnshì huì shì zài Běijīng jǔxíng de Zhōngguó shízhuāng zhōu huódòng de yībùfèn.

A model wore a dress made by students at China’s Central Academy of Fine Arts during their graduation show Wednesday.  This show was part of China Fashion Week held in Beijing.


Lessons Related to 模特儿 mótèr:

Newbie - What is your job?

Intermediate - Of Beauty Pageants and Plastic Surgery

Intermediate - Beauty Pageant Registration

Intermediate - Getting to Know the Beauty Pageant Judges

Intermediate - Romance in the Beauty Pageant

Intermediate - Beauty Pageant: It's a Mess

Intermediate - Scandal in the Pageant

Intermediate - Behind the Scenes at the Beauty Pageant

Intermediate - Shanghai Fashion

Qing Wen - The Pretty Podcast

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March 26, 2009, 02:56 PM

Here is another related lesson:

Advanced - 中国的时装设计师

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March 27, 2009, 10:03 AM

Was the student shot just like 20 years ago?

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March 27, 2009, 11:05 AM

学生被杀死了吗?不可能, 这根本是传说罢了,又是我们国家被你们洋鬼子欺负,来这里传染谎言又是根据你们对我国并不了解。我国的事你管不找,就管你屁事吧!你可以不要学中文了,咱们走着瞧,我告诉你要小心点,我们快要有航母, 哼哼哼。


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March 27, 2009, 11:22 AM

now that you say it - here is another lesson related to the picture (you see miantiao, no political connotations at all in our arbirary ramblings).

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March 27, 2009, 12:33 PM

henning, I never said there was. What i've written above is a rather watered down version of the millions of comment made on chinese blogs everyday in response to any 'sensitive' and doctored news story here. With respect I invite you to check out the blogs sometime and see for yourself.

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March 27, 2009, 12:34 PM

Hi miantiao


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March 27, 2009, 12:57 PM

Henning, thanks for the additional lesson.  I was also looking for this one, but couldn't find it before.

I think it captures the art of "modeling" at its best!

Advanced - 河莉秀

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March 27, 2009, 02:36 PM


