stuck in between
April 23, 2009, 04:31 PM posted in General DiscussionI seem to be in between elementary and intermediate. I work in both, but wonder if others find this and have any strategies for improvement. thanks

April 23, 2009, 05:43 PMI have passed that stage now, but one way I did it was to listen to the intermediates over and over, stopping and starting, picking out the Chinese words that Jenny says and looking them up in a pinyin dictionary, actually this one:
where you can stop the track, type in the pinyin, find the right word and then start up again.
It really trained my ear to hear the words. I spent many many hours doing this to nearly a hundred old intermediates. I also listened to them in my car over and over....
April 23, 2009, 05:01 PMI'm in the exact same position as you. Right now, I'm just attempting to expose myself to as much Chinese dialogue as possible. I listen to Intermediate, Elementary, and Upper Intermediate lessons each week. I listen to them many times, both reading along with and without the lesson PDF for each. I'm also using Pimsleur's Chinese audiobook series. I'm planning on listening to streaming Chinese radio at work too. Finally, I'm looking for some good Chinese TV shows to watch.
My hope is that doing all this will be enough to finally push me over the hump. This seems to be a pretty daunting transition. I too would like to hear what others have to say.