Lady on Anthony Bourdain No Reservations

April 23, 2009, 10:55 PM posted in General Discussion

There was a Lady selling entrails on a stick that did not want to sell anything to Mr. Bourdain. No doubt because he is a white American. Anyway one of the first things she said was

'Dim gei noih ah!' Which I think means lit. 'How long is this taking!' but not meant as a question.

The show translated it as 'How long is it going to take?'.

'Hou mh jau geng a!' meaning 'Hurry Up!'

'faai-di la' 'faster'

'ji gai a hou mh hou maaih a!' 'Don't buy that! He won't like it!'

I am transcribing it from the audio track. I am not sure of all of it. faai di definitely means faster, maaih means to buy or sell depending on the tone, and noih means long time as in 'Hou noih mouh gin' 'Long Time No See'. And 'dim' means 'how'. I am not sure of the rest.

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April 24, 2009, 05:06 AM

hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3=好耐冇見

Dim2 gei2 noi6 aa3!'=點幾耐吖!

faai3 di1 laa2!=快啲啦!(sometimes written as 快D啦!)

買=maai5/to buy

賣=maai6/to sell



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April 26, 2009, 03:06 PM

Thanks for that.

Dim2 gei2 noi6 aa3!'=點幾耐吖!

Yes, but as she said it on the show the final a4 was definitely low or low falling for emphasis. It is one reason why it leaves the impression of a statement 'This is taking too long!' rather than 'How long will this take?'

I was hoping someone could tell me how to say 'Hurry Up!' as opposed to 'Faster!' in cantonese. That was my best guess just hearing the audio. It is not accurate nor meant to be.

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May 13, 2009, 02:32 PM

Dim2 gei2 noi6 aa3!'=點幾耐吖!

吖 or 呀 Used in questions expecting agreement, sometimes with a sense of disapproval.
You're going home?  [But really I don't want you to.]

So here is support for my ears telling me the sentence ends with a4. She definitely was disapproving.

Dim2 gei2 noi6 aa4!'=點幾耐吖!

How long is this going to take! [This is taking too long!]

Is there a separate character to indicate this, or is it solely a matter of intonation? Perhaps 點幾耐呀!?

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May 13, 2009, 04:36 PM

Well, in most cases, 吖 and 呀 are interchangeable. But if asserting the 1st/4th tone (aa), then it could be written without the mouth radical --->點幾耐丫!


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May 19, 2009, 03:46 PM

白话既发音真系几难掌握。因为D人吾系好知条利应该放系边度,练来练去都系差D。我无意中系网上边发现有一套叫做广东话拼音(Penkyamp)系广东话罗马化的拉丁字母转写方案 ,觉得几吾错,所以想系呢度分享下,就简单举个例子啦


Nam Hõi Ciu


Honkha mún sã Yeùd tïn dönk pô hiũ


Jënk jënk yàt seóng jòy wa jeöng


Hon kmin jĩ gënk yàw tïm cïn bâg dõ


Yänt yänt màn sây jeòng


Ngó gîn göng ciu yï yin töy hẽy ná sän bãn


Keôg sì ceün guô yôk yeú kenk law sänt lêng gẽnk


Ngó gîu hõi ciu bö tow bät yîu jé hönk yõnk


Gâg jeù yät pîn màn léy dài yeong guäy sämp cîd










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May 21, 2009, 05:31 PM

Penkyamp太辛苦吖嘛但係可以畀人更好既發音囉。我鍾意jyutping(粵拼)即係簡單! :)