Just move on .
May 05, 2009, 02:19 PM posted in General DiscussionAt first,I must say sorry to everyone in the Chinesepod. I did not mean to hurt anyone.
Well,I didn't expect that my post could draw so many attentions.However, I cannot even totally understand what everyone were saying,because my English ability is limitied.But I understand that some people are support me and some are not.
RJ,it's not your fault.I didn't tell anyone who is the lady,but you came and apologized to me.You are a good husband and a responsible man.You can't leave here,you must continue your study.And I must apologize to you,either.
也许是我太年轻,受不了一点委屈。当有人无故辱骂我的时候,我很不开心,当被威胁会被泼硫酸,我甚至睡不着觉。所以我注销了邮箱和发了这篇日志,只是为了保护自己。请大家理解。关于RJ妻子的情况,我完全不了解。现在我知道我这种做法也不太正确,我应该更宽容一些。谢谢大家给予的关注。在Chinesepod 引起这种不好的影响,实在很抱歉。
对不起。我会不再计较这件事,just move on.
May 05, 2009, 02:30 PMI agree with bababarwan - we only had different opinions on how best to show support for you.
LittleFan, 我觉得每一个人都想关心你。我们都很高兴,你恢复了。
I’m hoping that means what I think it does…
And now, having spent an hour in impassioned defense of maintaing a thread, I'll go try to kill my emberassment by studying chinese (which I really should have been doing an hour ago).
May 05, 2009, 03:16 PMlittle_fan
我觉得每个人都鼎力支持你。你应该不说对不起。你对rj老婆的态度是很好,你是一个很好是人 - 对不起,我中文说的很不好。
May 05, 2009, 03:41 PMThat's right little_fan, you did not identify anyone.
I also want to apologize for the remarks I made earlier today, which were injurious, and in hindsight, just not circumspect enough. I wish this matter could have been settled without RJ being identified and wish he didn't have to feel embarrassed. Yet I realize that the things I said may have resulted in him feeling compelled to come forth. I'm sorry.
May 06, 2009, 02:38 AM@ little_fan
I agree with bababardwan. We all support you. The whole situation is unfortunate. You did right in talking about it so that it could get solved. I hope you stay with cpod.
May 05, 2009, 02:23 PMLittle_fan,
I read every post on that thread and not one of them did not support you.That is everyone was supportive of you.We all felt very much for you and had concern for you.Your feelings were completely understandable [I'm sure we'd all feel the same way ] and no-one thought you did anything wrong.You have also earned great respect I believe and especially your willingness to "no longer care about this matter and just move on".You have shown great spirit and have taught us all a lesson in forgiveness I believe.We are all very lucky to have you as part of the community and I wish you well.Cheers.