August 02, 2009, 06:46 AM posted in General Discussion

a response, long overdue ... especially from an exchange we were having pre-new comments policy?  Or from one in a lesson thread that veered off-topic as a matter of natural course? Some of those have been nagging at me.
I'll try to get the replies in here.
Apologies for the overdue replies, 太失礼了。

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August 02, 2009, 11:47 AM

Hmm... 让我想想。对了,我还没有看过你五岁的时候照片!

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August 02, 2009, 12:47 PM

Tal, actually you and Changye are due replies from me from one of those Lao Wang threads--that's one of the nagging ones.

My photo from when I was five--I never had a link in that post (not a lesson thread but in your group btw, so driveling there is unrestricted) to one. It's a miracle I got the e.dowager's picture in there at all I'm so no good with things of that sort; and I don't have a scanner. Now that the dowager image has expired and doesn't show up in that post anymore, you'll just have to rely on memory. That was how I looked at five, really (well my face wasn't that elongated yet, but other than that). And I still look like her!

I want to get back to Baba now though first.  Cheers (^^)/

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August 02, 2009, 12:58 PM

No worries, take it easy! ;)

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August 02, 2009, 03:01 PM


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August 02, 2009, 04:54 PM

Tal, this has pathetically become like shtick to me now, but again--
I'm sorry. I started something that caused you to end the weekend, and your day here not happy.

You weren't even a participant in what I started, you were keeping your distance and staying calm, you said nothing stupid like I did. Then you became a casualty because of some comments you made later on, in part in my support.

As always, it was unnecessary. I am responsible for this, and I am full of regret.

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August 02, 2009, 08:45 PM

@zhenlijiang, love you "law abiding citizen" tag!

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August 02, 2009, 09:56 PM

tvan, you're one of the others I owe!  Pls do check here again.