Best of ChinesePod

October 22, 2009, 07:04 PM posted in General Discussion

I'm sure there have been discussions like this before, but they're nice to have once in a while. Tell me about your favorite lessons! ChinesePod has amassed a huge archive of lessons and it's not always easy to search it. I don't want to miss any gems, and neither should you!

I think my favorite at the moment is The Perfect Sandwich, at Intermediate level. It has a fun dialogue, useful vocab, some interesting cultural issues coming to light in the discussion and some of the best John-and-Jenny banter ever heard on the 'Pod. This episode is top notch in all regards. I would have expected my favorite to be one of the more crazy ones, like the Ninja 'sode or the Godzilla one (both Intermediate), but this baby took them all, despite a seemingly unimpressive subject.

Now, don't get me wrong, The Ninja and Godzilla are both pretty high up on my list. Episodes like that set CPod apart from the competitors and make learning Mandarin a real pleasure.

Now tell me about your favorites! Also, please note which level they are on, to make it easier for people to see if they're interested.

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October 22, 2009, 08:26 PM

As soon as there's a lesson with a lot of Kung Fu FIGHTING in it, that's likely to be up on my list of favorites.