
November 10, 2009, 05:47 AM posted in General Discussion

I came across a book(title of this post and published in China in 2008)lately that when i first picked it up to peruse thought it was comical sarcasm, but upon further reading began to realise that the authors were insanely serious. 

Its a collection of essays which appear to be based on extensive research conducted in high class community toilets and other such think tanks, thinking non-tanks and non-thinking tanks.

I would recommend this read to anyone with an interest in delusionary paranoia, bellicosis, and pied piperososis.

One particularly poignant fact to come out of the thinking tank contributors is in relation to the recent milk scandal. According to one expert's thoroughgoing deep throated research, who shall remain anonymous because I can't remember his name, the melamine in the milk is all Europe's fault. In a nutshell he blows the horn on on a secret the europeans have been trying to hide for years, and that is that european cows produce milk with significantly higher protein levels. As such the european super cows have enabled the EU to influence WHO to establish a minimum protein content regulation for the retailing of milk, thereby forcing local producers here to supplement their milk with added protein in the form of melamine. 

Thanks to this contributors doggedness at getting to the bottom of unscupulous scandals, the previously accused grandsons of turtles can now have the turtle lifted.

I'm wondering if any other poddies, lurkers and actives, have come across this read.

I also have a question in relation to chinese slang. A word that repeatedly pops up in the text and used in conjunction with the names of foreign countries is 老黄瓜. now i know it literally means old cucumber, but what is the implied meaning?

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November 10, 2009, 06:09 AM



In short, it's "an old woman with too much makeup", or something like that.

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November 10, 2009, 06:22 AM

hey changye,

mutton dressed as lamb perhaps.

yeah, the contributors like to use these phrases a lot. one contributor was also very pleased that the 老黄瓜 caused financial crisis hadn't effected the soldiers  爱国心, that they were still very eager to do their duty.

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November 10, 2009, 06:47 AM


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November 10, 2009, 07:03 AM

我可只能具体说一个例子,就是我女友,想个办法使她高兴起来确实容易些 ;)反过来说,使他生气也不算是复杂的事。 我想都不想,就能做到。

关于别的人呢,我还是不知道,可是从网络的有些人对 所谓 老黄瓜的破口大骂来看,像我上面介绍的书里面的内容一样,在激动的 ‘知识分子’的笔下,为了获得不片面的局面,老百姓何处走?