How do I download ChinesePod epis via iTunes starting from epi#1?

August 03, 2007, 09:56 AM posted in General Discussion

Based from the FAQ, it says that I can go to the iTunes store and searched for it, which I did, and get an exclamation mark on it (I probably could resolve this later, but this isn't the problem).

I'm very, very new to iTunes - getting my iPod soon in fact - so can anyone tell me how I can download earlier episodes (starting from Newbie episode #1 for instance)? So far the podcast is merely listing the recent 10 podcasts.. which is a little too advanced for me at the moment (some of them, that is).

Thanks in advance! And I absolutely love ChinesePod. Kudos!

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August 03, 2007, 02:12 PM

你好, I don´t know about itunes, but there´s an torrent-download available around here containing 500 lessons (if I´m not mistaken...anyway it´s 3 GB of learning content!)

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August 03, 2007, 03:04 PM

We are almost to episode #600... will there be a 1-600 torrent, or at least 501-600 torrent? (not that I need it, but others may...)

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August 03, 2007, 03:14 PM

You can Boookmark the lessons then add them to your Scheduled Lessons. Drag and drop into calender. Lessons are downloaded via you personal feed ;-)

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August 03, 2007, 05:16 PM

That would be a LOT to bookmark. :P Yes, I tried bookmarking, but I really want to download everything at one go.. if you have that torrent link available, I'd really appreciate it!

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August 03, 2007, 05:23 PM

Ah, scrap that. It's available here: :) Just in case anyone wants to look for it.

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August 06, 2007, 03:40 AM

Hi Saigo, So sorry we weren't able to answer on time (as it was the weekend here in in Shanghai). Anyways, glad you found the torrent file link. I'm not sure what we are planning for 501 to 600 podcasts though. :-)