C1052: Up-and-Comer in the office

May 04, 2010, 05:03 AM posted in Transcripts with Tal


Work in progress. I have one word at 3:28 that I know I'm not getting (it's marked in red) but feel free to comment and correct anything you see that's wrong.

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May 04, 2010, 04:21 PM

You did get it 阿皮.   yīmú yīyàng  一模一样——(almost) exactly alike.

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May 10, 2010, 05:31 AM


Really? Looked to me like smooth sailing all the way!

I think it's good too, if you also posted a notice in the Lesson discussion letting people know of this transcript.

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May 05, 2010, 10:24 AM

Glad to help. 模 is a 多音字, as mú it means "mold".

一模一样 is a 成语.

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May 09, 2010, 05:47 AM

OK, the transcript for C1052 is about done. There are a few of Jenny's lines where I just have ?? because I didn't catch what she said. If anyone would like to elucidate, I'd appreciate you lending an ear.

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May 09, 2010, 06:05 AM

Regarding the line beginning at 7:07 - I'm not sure what the missing character is, but I think the line starts with 就是, and not 这是.

Re the line beginning 8:22 - 其实 would make sense here, so its probably that. But it sounds more like 'qieshi' to me, so I'm wondering if it might be 切实 (qièshí). But the meaning of 'feasible, practical, realistic, conscientious, earnest' doesn't make much sense here.

In the line at 10:40, the missing characters sound like 危险 (wēixiǎn) 'dangerous' to me, I haven't looked at the dialog, so I don't know if that description would apply to him. There also seems to be a syllable after 危险, but before 这, but I can't pick it.

In the line starting 10:54, the first missing characters are simply 这个. I think the missing character later in the line is 受, as part of the phrase 受欢迎.

In the line beginning 11:04, the first word missing is 所有. Later in the line, 小小 should instead be 少少. Right after this, I think is 总会遇到这些. Later, 司 should instead be 室. The line ends with 政治. So, I think the line is:


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Thanks. On the 10:40 line that extra syllable is confusing. It sounds like a pause, maybe an "um" with an "a" sound.

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May 09, 2010, 07:28 AM

A few corrections from the first 5 minutes.

0:49 - 是的。那么吴刚是一个潜力的人。

2:15 - 对对对。在老王的背后阿。好,那她一开始呢就说"吴刚,你的市场分析报告做很不错",你的市场分析报告做得很不错。

2:50 - 。而且是"市场分析报告",市场分析报告。

3:40 - 噢,"建议",建议也很

3:45 - I can't pick out the word, but I assume you mean 或者, and not 后者.

4:08 - 嗯,"建议"。那,吴刚他也很modest,阿。他没有说"对,我是做得很好"。他说"希望对公司有帮助",希望对公司有帮助。

4:30 - 他说"希望对公司有帮助",希望对公司有帮助。

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May 09, 2010, 10:01 AM

More corrections (up to the 2nd play of the dialog):

5:19 - 呣。那么,"广州一个展览会",展览会。

5:37 - 呣。那对,这些公司来说: 展览会很重要,你可了解一下,市场需求。了解一下,市场需求。

5:53 - "需求"是你需要的东西。

6:06 - 是。也可以说"市场需要",嗯,但是"市场需求"更加专业。

6:48 - 呣,因为周俊觉得他很有潜力。有很大潜力。可能可以做更高,对吧。(The first 的 is not there.)

7:39 - 对,而且好像在"hint",hint 一些东西。 (The  is not there.)

7:54 - 我知道为什么你要让我去广州,对吧,去展览会。 (the 。should not be there - its one sentence.)

8:39 - 呣。那我们还是先听一对话

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May 05, 2010, 04:54 AM

模 comes up as mó in the dictionary. I never would have found that in the pinyin IME. Odd.


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Glad to help. 模 is a 多音字, as mú it means "mold".

一模一样 is a 成语.

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May 09, 2010, 04:32 PM

Thanks. On the 10:40 line that extra syllable is confusing. It sounds like a pause, maybe an "um" with an "a" sound.

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May 09, 2010, 04:55 PM

Thanks. I think that jiao is 叫, meaning that he wants to ask him. I also changed his gender back from 她 to 他 :)


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May 09, 2010, 04:59 PM

go_manly, thank you for all the help! I really should have listened to this once again before posting a "done" notice :) But I've added all your corrections so it should be pretty close.

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May 10, 2010, 01:43 AM

Just a few more nitpicks:

00:50 (Jenny) …… 那么吴刚呢,是一个很有潜力的人。

02:19 (Jenny) …… 好,那一开始呢就说……

Jenny: 嗯,他说"你指出了很重要的问题", 指出了重要的问题。

Jenny: 对,或者 your "suggestion". --dunno, that's how it sounds to me

Jenny: 对,比如,"John,我建议你多牛奶。"

Jenny: 是。也可以说"市场需要",,但是"市场需求"更加专业。

Jenny:  就是到水底下,比如"diving",??是*sounds like rènshi, but don't know what that could be; can't see how 认识 would fit*水。

Jenny:  力量。she adds (behind John) 能力。

Jenny:  对。他说"好,你去忙把",你去忙把。

Jenny:  对!啊,周俊很危险啊这个人。 *you may have other preferences for punctuation*

Jenny:  好,那我们的这个老王的公司办公室一直非常受欢迎。

Jenny:  …… 我们所有工作的人啊,多多少少总会遇到这些办公室政治。 *no big deal, I don't hear the de*

做得很不错阿皮 & Bob!

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May 10, 2010, 05:10 AM

3:46, I like 或者 :)

7:08, 嗯是. Makes no sense, but neither does Jenny.

Thanks, Bob & Zhenlijiang. This was harder than I thought it would be. Thanks for the help!



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Really? Looked to me like smooth sailing all the way!

I think it's good too, if you also posted a notice in the Lesson discussion letting people know of this transcript.

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It was smooth sailing all the way, but it was also harder than I expected.

I've gotten to the point where I think I understand everything that was said in an Intermediate lesson after a listen or two. When I turned around to write down what Jenny said I realized I didn't actually understand what she was saying in many places.

It was *much* harder to do this one than it was the one where Ricky had already transcribed the Chinese for me. That one was a breeze.

Moral: learning is tough :)

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May 09, 2010, 10:24 AM

The rest of my corrections:

9:52 - 对。这就是办公室政治。办公政治。

10:17 - 呣。所以她想?吴刚去参加一个展览会。 (There is a word where the question mark is. It sounds like jiao, but I don't know what that would be.)

11:16 - 嗯。那如你不介意的话可以分享一下。

11:22 - 好。今天的时间到了。我们明天再见。

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Thanks. I think that jiao is 叫, meaning that he wants to ask him. I also changed his gender back from 她 to 他 :)