重庆话第一棵 Chongqing dialect lesson one

May 07, 2010, 03:16 PM posted in General Discussion

重庆人不用说‘可以’。 他们总是用说‘yao4 dei1’。



在饭店,A:服务员 B:顾客






In Chongqing people don't say "keyi" but "yaodei" instead.

I'm not sure what characters are used, if somebody would like to let us know i would be very interested to know. Perhaps it's the same as 'keyi' (可以). 

Yao4dei1 seems to me to be used as a straight substitution for keyi. Also, on a recent trip to Chengdu I heard plenty of "yaodei yaodei yaodei" so I guess this must be standard Sichuan dialect. 

Looking forward to some feedback dudes...




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May 08, 2010, 02:25 AM

哈哈。。。 ‘要得’是对的汉字。‘要’听起来第二声,‘得’没有声。

hehe... ‘要得’ are the correct characters for 'yao dei'.

'Yao' sounds like more like a second tone even though the pinyin is 4th. 'Dei' sounds like a neutral tone.

Why are alternative, standard characters used to pronounce lexis differently..?

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July 09, 2010, 05:34 PM




According to what I know of 四川话, the correct tones for "Yao Dei" should be a VERY high rising, "Yao" and then a low falling tone for "dei".  The thing is that people here in Southwest China have very soft voices so it's difficult to discern the correct tones.  Even local people will swear in 重庆话 there are only two tones.

The high rising 1st tone will happen when there are two low tones or a low flat 4th tone and a low falling 2nd tone together then the tonal sandhi thing will happen and "yao" will become the high rising tone.  I heard a woman on the bus the other day say, "他给我打电话", the tones sounded like "tá gèi wò dà dián huǎ".  And since the 1st tone is a VERY high rising tone, unlike Mandarin's mild rise to the top of your speaking voice, the 四川 1st tone will start REALLY high and go EVEN HIGHER, so it's very interesting to listen to.  

So what do you think of the whole 川普 phenomenon?  People's 普通话 in these parts leaves a whole lot to be desired! 

Oh, what do you think of the whole 重庆 vs. 成都 thing?

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September 06, 2010, 12:30 AM

In the 重庆 dialect, 爸爸 is 老汉儿.  It's pronounced somewhat like, Lào Haěr, but the tones of 重庆话 are almost impossible to peg with a tone number since the contours differ from 普通话

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Nice to see you back, 小虎. :D

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谢谢! I didn't know you responded until just now, sorry...

我又失眠了所以来到这里玩一下, 可是明天我得上课, 我肯定好累啊!

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September 06, 2010, 03:17 AM


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September 06, 2010, 09:19 AM


Apologies for my absence and lack of response. Your comments are fantastic if not a little intimidating for me. But nevertheless I appreciate the insights and I'll do my best to take it all on board and try to offer something in return.




You're quite right about 要得, high to falling tone. And like what you heard on the bus, i think locals sound kind of whiny but I find it quite natural to imitate still. (perhapsbecausethe only experience I have on putonghua is through Cpod).

I only spent 3 days in Chengdu but i wassurprised about how many similarities I heard. What's interesting me is the different vocab and how the characters are applied. I really enjoy picking up local words and using them, and I'd like to make a little CQhua vocab book at some point. You seem to know your stuff pretty well, have you been around these parts for long?

I haven't heard川普before, but I guess people like 四川and Chengdu because of the Tibet proximity and perhaps because it's a cool alternative to the east coast. Personally I like CQ, it think the city has a lot of character. Chengdu seemed just too flat and not just topographically, yourself?

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October 12, 2010, 06:09 PM


我十分不好意思哦! 我不知道你留了这个言. 一看你的留言我很高兴!

Does C-Pod have some sort of notification system that someone replied to our message, or am I just missing something? I thought there was some way to activate it in the control panel, is there that functionality? Had I known you responded earlier, I wouldn't have only just now responded to you, sorry about that.

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October 12, 2010, 06:55 PM



我觉得除了南山火锅以外重庆最佳的火锅店就是杨家坪的"李外婆火锅",味道又地道又爽!只不过哪里的饭量不够大,东西是放在一个小碗里,而且服务很差,上菜时发现他们家的服务员把很多我们没点的菜和肉给我门. 其实解放碑有个非常优秀的火锅店,是个很破旧的一家,装修一点都不好可是东西好吃得很! 你知道义卖市场的那边吗? 那边离乡村基很近. 到了402 末站的那边,不是有个乡村基吗? 下个路口就到了义卖市场了,然后我说的那家火锅店是在底层. 迷路的话你可以问问路边的人,他们肯定可以帮你指南.

纽约纽约的那边有好几所学校.哈哈,好像解放碑所有的外国人都是在同一栋楼里面工作的! 其实我不太喜欢解放碑,我觉得只有南滨路的步行街才有意思.其他的步行街没意思因为商店和环境一模一样.好像这是现代被商务话的现实世界的变现吧.

I really love Chengdu!  I love the character of the city, but from what I've been told, it's changed dramatically in the last several years, so I'm not sure if I'd still like it as well as I think I would. We'll see.

What in your opinion are the best attributes of Chongqing?  The food, environment, people?

BTW: People here do say 可以, but it's pronounced differently than Mandarin. It's pronounced in two falling tones, kè yì, and sounds more like Kò Yè.

Have you picked up any more of the local dialect since your last post?