Meaning of a name
May 15, 2010, 12:27 AM posted in General DiscussionHi,
I was assigned this name, 林秀騏, in Chinese class. The dictionary translation is: elegant piebald horse but why would anyone have a name like that? Doesn't make too much sense. Could some be nice enough to explain the real meaning of the name especially the character 騏?
May 15, 2010, 12:09 PMHi zeroflash
The character “騏 (骐)” indicates "a steed, a fleet horse, a good horse", just like used in the word “骐骥” (qi2ji4), and is also figuratively used in the sense of "an exceptionally talented person". Furthermore,“秀騏” itself is a Chinese word that means "a good horse" (骏马). I think your Chinese name is very good.