newbue from tokyo
May 22, 2010, 01:31 PM posted in General Discussionhi all!
I am an australian teacher living in Tokyo, been here for about 20 years and speak Japanese of course. I have been interested in chinese for many years but have only recently decided to take the plunge and learn it. Any advice or support appreciated!
May 22, 2010, 02:02 PMHi ashwarren
You already have a lot of knowledge about Chinese characters and words through learning Japanese. Believe me, learning Chinese would be just a piece of cake for you, at least, at the early stage of learning. You have a great advantage. Please join us now!
日本の漢字を知っていると、中国語の簡体字と繁体字のどちらも容易に覚えることができます。日本の漢字は、簡体字と繁体字のちょうど中間ぐらいに位置していますからね。日本で20年も暮らしたのでしたら、日本人向けの中国語テキストを使って勉強してみてはどうでしょうか。英語を通じて中国語を勉強するよりも、よっぽど効率的だと思います。また、日本で売っている中国語の学習辞書はとても優秀で使いやすいので、ぜひ一冊購入してみてください。Good luck!
May 22, 2010, 01:47 PMBest advice I have is to download a free popup translator like mandarin popup so you can easily read the Chinese characters on these boards. Also the tools in premium subscription are well worth it for mine. Finally a good online translator like is really useful.Any questions just ask mate.Cheers and good luck. :)