Introduce yourself

June 11, 2010, 12:30 AM posted in General Discussion
Nǐ hǎo, This group has five members, but two are lurkers. Lurkers are welcome, but it would be even nicer if you introduced yourselves. :-) It would be great if this group became a little community. You might include roughly how much Mandarin you already know so we all have some idea of how much Mandarin we can use in our posts without discouraging members. It would be even better if members took the time to write their messages in both Mandarin (first) and then English (I'm assuming everyone knows English.) Also, anything that helped or is helping you to learn Mandarin is appreciated.
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March 01, 2011, 03:42 AM

你们好。  我无十六岁。 我丈夫广东人。  我和我丈夫差不多每天喜欢打麻将。  我在学普通话因为我喜欢说同麻将人。 

Not sure I got that right.  I am trying to learn to speak Mandarin so that I can speak with other mah jong players.  The only problem is at least half of them are cantonese and that complicates things!!  (4 tones are bad enough, how about 6?) However I am beginning to understand, and I can ask players for their playing number and do the scoring in mandarin and cantonese!!

Is there anyone following this group?  I would like to be able to discuss my learning strategies with others of the same age and circumstances.  


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April 04, 2011, 10:52 PM

大家好。 dajiahao.

我是五十七岁. 我在大学的时候学中文。写字又读书都忘记了。谈话比较好。wo shi wushiqi sui. xiezi you dushu dou wangji le. tanhua bijiao hao.

hello everybody.

I am 57 but not so much a newbie. I have forgotten most of my reading and writing, which dates back to when we had to look characters up in a dictionary, traditional characters, no computers. Ai ya. 哎呀。 My conversation and pronunciation are not bad. I know a lot about the language and culture...and travel.


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S. Liu

I just started learning Mandarin in June 2011 and desire to continue to learn Chinese in Beijing. and perhaps settle down there maybe teach English there.

thinking of going there sometime in March. any suggestion would be helpful

and appreciated. Visa application ask question like who is my contact and their phone number and would it be good idea to go on a tourist visa? and get extension later. also wondering if it is true that one cannot bring more than 6000 Rmb Chinese currency. is that true.

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April 05, 2011, 12:20 AM

Glad to see a group like this as I am a Newbie who just turned 60 in February.  Though my memory is really slipping as far as English goes, I've decided not to let that deter or discourage me when it comes to learning Mandarin.  I still haven't figured out how to connect to the profiles of others but, since I know it's possible, I'll encourage you to read mine to learn about a bit more about me.  As far as writing characters or Pinyin, give me some time...I'm not even sure how to type letters with tones and I sure as heck don't know enough yet to even attempt this.  I'll come back and post after I've come up with a study strategy that seems to work for me.  --Deborah (dreumann)

I will be curious to see whether it may be easier to remember a new language that is fresh in your mind than it is to conjure up old and familiar words...

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April 05, 2011, 12:29 AM

Okay so I just figured out how to read profiles...just click on the person's picture.  I avoid social networking sites to avoid wasting time or I probably would have know this already.  So click on my International Dialectics symbol if you want to read my profile.  I plan to collect old family photos from my sister in early May and will post a picture after that...I know just the one...  Cheers!

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September 14, 2011, 06:45 AM

Well I don't know how well I fit in here as I am learning for quite a different reason. I am a 65 year old man and was introduced to a sweet lady in Shenyang by a friend of mine. I plan to go to China to visit her in a few months and I thought it would be smart to learn a bit of Mandarin to make my visit all the more enjoyable. I am impressed with Chinesepod and listen to lessons about 30-40 minutes a day.

Some of the rest of you impress me that you are learning the charactors also. That looks incredibly hard.


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October 18, 2013, 09:08 AM

My name is Simon Thompson @TunnelBreeze on Twitter, I am 54 and have been studying with for exactly one year. I have spent the last thirty years studying languages eleven altogether but I can only claim fluency in Itlalian, Spanish and German. I love ChinesePod and feel that I am making good progress.

I am self employed, gay and live with my partner David in Derbyshire UK.