Library Navigation

March 17, 2011, 12:11 AM posted in General Discussion

When trying to navigate the libary, the fastest way is by level where you can have 50 lessons in chronological order per page at a time [ I thought there used to be 100 but I think I'm thinking of the vocab words] and thus for Intermediate level for example there are only 7 pages of 50 lessons and there is a link at the bottom for all 7 pages. Bonza.

The problem comes when you want to browse the whole library regardless of level for whatever reason. The only way to do this that I know of is by the "latest lessons" tab where you only get 10 lessons per page, there are 211 pages and when you first click on the "latest lessons" you can only navigate to:


1-7, 210, 211 you have to start at one end, whatever is the closest to where you want to navigate to, the problem being pronounced if you want to navigate to somewhere in the middle, as you seem to be only able to jump up the pages a few at a time [only 2 usually I think]. To have a workaround, I just had the idea of posting below the links to every page in the library for everyone's convenience. I hope you find it useful. Cheers :)

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March 17, 2011, 12:29 AM

..oh, and what I have decided to do is start with the link to the oldest lessons first, and work forwards in time from there, so that as new pages of lessons become available they can be added as a link in a new post below with perhaps a starting date.

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March 17, 2011, 12:36 AM

ok, I need to wake up. See the pattern? obviously just type:

..and then the page number in the url and you should be able to navigate directly to the page you want.


and presto, you've made it to the centre of the earth.


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March 17, 2011, 03:03 AM

Thanks for your work on this Baba. It is insanely difficult to find your way around the Library (nee Lessons) tab - you have made it a little easier. I wish that when you arrive at the page you got a publication date on each lesson. I just tried your page 100 link. It's like you are dropped in the middle of a sea of lessons (although I noticed one or two familiar landmarks.) . We need something to help you navigate - the publication date would tell you how far you are from the shore. 

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yeah, before I noticed the url trick, I was going to put a link to every page and put in a date every so often as a landmark [or should that be a buoy, hehe] . I think you can have a reasonable guess at it though knowing that lessons started in September 2005. But yeah, it will take a couple of stabs or so at it to get to the right spot.

["nee lessons"...haha..very good]