七夕Chinese Valentine's Day!

August 06, 2008, 02:13 PM posted in General Discussion


Have you ever heard about it? Do you know the story of the cowherd and the weaving maid?


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August 06, 2008, 03:23 PM

Do tell the story, Cassielin -- it is such a beautiful variation on your theme of "one-night-stands" and a lot older and more romantic than Valentine's Day!

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August 07, 2008, 04:39 PM


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August 06, 2008, 08:33 PM

Thank you so much, Cassielin -- there is a lot in your story that I did not remember clearly -- the positive role of the cow especially.  

Are there any traditions still alive regarding this myth that you know of?

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August 06, 2008, 09:11 PM

There are many Chinese variations on this story. Here's one.


Niúláng yǔ zhīnǚ gùshi



Xiāngchuán niúláng fùmǔ zǎoshì,yòu cháng shòudào gēsǎo de nüèdài,zhǐyǒu yī tóu lǎo niú xiāngbàn. Yǒu yī tiān lǎo niú gěi tā chū jìmóu,yào qǔ zhīnǚ zuò qīzi. Dàoliǎo nà yī tiān,měilì de xiānnǚ men guǒrán dào Yínhé mùyù,bìng zài shuǐzhōng xīxì. Zhèshí cáng zài lúwěi zhòngdì niúláng tūrán pǎo chūlai názǒu le zhīnǚ de yīshang. Jīnghuāngshīcuò de xiānnǚ men jímáng shàng'àn chuānhǎo yīshang fēizǒu le,wéidú shèngxia zhīnǚ. Zài niúláng de kěnqiú xià,zhīnǚ dāying zuò tā de qīzi. Hūnhòu,niúlángzhīnǚ nángēngnǚzhī,xiāngqīnxiāng'ài,shēnghuó de shífēn xìngfú měimǎn. Zhīnǚ huángěi niúláng shēng le yī ér yī nǚ,hòulái,lǎo niú yào sǐqù de shíhou,dīngzhǔ niúláng yào bǎ tā de pí liú xiàlái,dào jínàn shí pīshàng yǐqiú bāngzhù. Lǎo niú sǐhòu,fūqī liǎ rěntòng bōxià niúpí,bǎ niú mái zài shānpō shang.

Zhīnǚ hé niúláng chéngqīn de shì bèi tiāntíng de Yùdì hé Wángmǔ niángniang zhīdao hòu,tāmen bórándànù,bìng mìnglìng tiānshén xiàjiè zhuā huí zhīnǚ. Tiānshén chèn niúláng bùzài jiā de shíhou,zhuāzǒu le zhīnǚ. Niúláng huíjiā bùjiàn zhīnǚ,jímáng pīshàng niúpí,dān le liǎng ge xiǎohái zhuī qù. Yǎnkàn jiùyào zhuīshàng,Wángmǔ niángniang xīnzhōng yī jí,báxià tóushang de jīn zān xiàng Yínhé yī huá,xīrì qīngqiǎn de Yínhé yīshùnjiān biàn de zhuólàng tāotiān,niúláng zàiyě guòbuqù le. Cóngcǐ,niúlángzhīnǚ zhǐnéng lèiyǎn yíngyíng,gé hé xiāngwàng,tiānchángdìjiǔ,Yùhuáng Dàdì hé Wángmǔ niángniang yě niùbuguò tāmen zhījiān de zhēnzhì qínggǎn,zhǔnxǔ tāmen měi nián Qīyuè qī rì xiānghuì yīcì,xiāngchuán,měiféng Qīyuè qī rì,rénjiān de xǐ qiǎo jiùyào fēi shàngtiān qù,zài Yínhé wèi niúlángzhīnǚ dāqiáo xiānghuì. Cǐwài,Qīxī yèshēnrénjìng zhī shí,rénmen hái néng zài pútaojià huò qítā de guā-guǒ jià xià tīngdào niúlángzhīnǚ zài tiānshàng de mòmò qínghuà.

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August 07, 2008, 08:23 AM

Thank you, daizi -- my favorite and entirely new detail is the 人们还能在葡萄架或其他的瓜果架下听到牛郎织女在天上的脉脉情话.   Knowing this specific myth gives one access to the poignant meaning behind so many of the finest love poems etc. in Chinese and even Japanese which otherwise might remain quite bland to our Western eyes.

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August 07, 2008, 09:18 AM

Hi liansuo,

七夕 (tana-bata) is one of the deeply-rooted traditions in Japanese culture, and, of course, it is originated in China and modified in Japan. Japanese people hung a strip of paper、on which is a written wish, on a bamboo tree branch on this day. A lot of 七夕 festivals are held throughout Japan, and the most famous one is the 仙台 (Sendai) 七夕 Festival. It's really gorgeous.

The Sendai 七夕 Festival.

The song of 七夕.
Almost all of Japanese can sing this song.

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August 07, 2008, 01:08 PM

Thank you so much, Changye, for the surprise trip to Sendai on tana bata day. Really impressive decoration!  And the song is sweet, too!  You definitely chose the nicest version. 

What does one wish for, I wonder?

Here is my favorite 詞 on the topic.  It would not make sense without the background cassielin and daizi have given us.


  巧,     ,  度。

 金 ,  便   .

 柔 ,   ,      ?

 兩 時,又  !

                                    秦  觀, 1049-1100



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August 07, 2008, 02:13 PM

Hmmm, clicking through the tana bata links I just realized -- it is celebrated in the seventh month = July now in Japan, isn't it?  Obviously China still goes by the lunar Calendar for this kind of holiday. 

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August 07, 2008, 02:45 PM





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August 06, 2008, 04:15 PM

In ancient times, there was an orphan who lived with his brother and sister-in-law, who treated him badly. They made him graze a cow during the day and sleep with it at night. He was known only as Cowherd.

When the Cowherd grew up his brother gave him the old cow and a cart and drove him out of the house, he had to cut firewood and farm during the day and sleep in the cart at night.

One day the cow told him that the next day fairy maidens would come down to bathe in the lake, and the one in pink gauze would become his wife.

The next day, Cowherd really saw the maiden. He told her about his hard life and she sympathized with him and took a fancy to him. She told him her own story. She was the granddaughter of the Queen Mother of the West on her mother’s side. She was good at weaving and was called the Weaving Maid.

The Weaving Maid and Cowherd were married and led a happy life, the one farming and the other weaving. Later a boy and girl were born to them.

One day, the old cow told Cowherd, “I can no longer help your work. After I die, strip off my skin and if you are in a tight spot, put it over your shoulders.” The cow died soon and the husband and wife cried bitterly.

The Queen Mother did not want the Weaving Maid to stay in the human world, so she decided to take away. The Cowherd tries to pursue her, but how could he go up to the sky? Remembering the old cow’s words, he put on the skin, found two baskets and put one child in each basket. Carrying the basket on his shoulder pole, he flew up as soon as he went out the door. He almost caught up with her hand. In front of the Cowherd appeared a river which he could not cross.

From then on, people could see this river (the Milky Way) at night. They called it the Heavenly River. The stars on both sides they called Cowherd (Altair) and the Weaving Maid (Vega).

It is said that the Queen Mother allows them to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. On that night, flocks of magpies fly to the Heavenly River and form a bridge so the two can meet.

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August 07, 2008, 03:13 PM

happy 七夕 cassie. It falls on Aug 7th this year.

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August 07, 2008, 03:27 PM

Changye, see, you can even do it after your -- whatever you got tipsy on! There are just a very few spots where my sober view i.e. drunk only on poetry :)  differs from yours.    But Cassielin is the native expert -- let her tell you (and me) what she thinks.

 Somehow it makes me very happy to have given Qin Guan a little outing on this night...  


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August 07, 2008, 03:29 PM

ha,七夕节快乐!^_^ it is Aug 7th today, but lunar July 7th.

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August 07, 2008, 03:35 PM


what do you mean by Qin Guan? a little outing on this night?



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August 07, 2008, 03:40 PM

Perfect, cassie. Just turned that into a mail to my wife who always has to wait for me all week long while I am working in remote Stuttgart.


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August 07, 2008, 03:46 PM

Thank you, Cassielin -- for the explanation -- this line seems to be the most quoted one then.

What I meant by Qin Guan is :    觀, 1049-1100-- He wrote this poem almost nine.hundred years ago -- tonight I wanted him to make an appearance on ChinesePod.  Thank you for providing the opportunity!!  (Changye will have to decide whether he saw  觀's legs or not...)

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August 07, 2008, 04:07 PM





So it is秦观,I learned this poem when I was a middle school student. To be honest, I only remember the last line because it is very famous!^_^


Oh, I should add a chinese idiom成语here.





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August 07, 2008, 04:36 PM


yes, indeed. Thanks a lot. That had some significant and immediate effect..


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August 07, 2008, 02:59 PM

Hi liansuo,

You are right. Japanese 七夕 is celebrated on July 7th according to the solar calendar. In the lunar calendar, the seventh month is regarded as the first month of autumn, and that is why the word 金风 is used in this poem. Anyway, it’s rather tough for a tipsy guy to interpret a Song poem. Good night.

鹊桥仙 (宋词, Song poem
world of the Magpies Bridge

纤云(delicate clouds)弄巧(change skillfully)
飞星(meteorite)传恨(conveys sorrow)
银汉(Milky Way)迢迢(remote, all the way to)
(secretly, privately)(cross)....the lovers cross.
金风(Autumn)玉露(dewdrops)一相逢(once meet)
便()(more precious than)(on the contrary)
人间(everyday world’s)无数(numerous ordinary lovers’ meetings)
(tender feelings)似水(like water)…passionately devoted
佳期(pleasant time)如梦(like a dream)
(endure)(to think about)
鹊桥(the magpies bridge for)归路(way back home)
(two lovers’ feeling)若是(if)久长时(last long)
又岂(it wouldn’t be necessary)
在朝朝暮暮(to meet everyday)